Keeping lights off temps same as lights on to fight humidity?

Yo guys i'm just wondering about something here, i gotta 5x5x6 tent with 5NL flowering at about week 7.

My humidity when lights on is about 45% but during lights off it can hit 70%, i have 2 oscillating fans in there (always on) and a 350cfm extractor, passive intake, ambient room temps are 72ish.

I tested something and i stuck a fan heater in there for lights off and it pretty much kept the temps identical to day temps (78-80) but the humidity stayed at 45-50% !!

Is it ok to do this? or is a temp drop during 'night' pretty important?

Btw the temps during lights off without the fan heater are same as ambient room temps (70-72)

thanks! :joint:


Well-Known Member
put an extra small exhaust booster fan in that runs 24/7 so that the lights dont heat up your room and soil and cause moisture to build up? or put it on the intake, i noticed my room stays about 75 and goes up to 80 because when the lights shut off so does the fan, and then the lights are still giving off heat


Active Member
I have same problem in summer with high humidity your ballasts and light hood/ lights still give off heat after lights out u need to cool then before sealimg the room for the night, I turn lights off then keep the door open an extra hour and move fans to blow cool air on lights and ballasts untill aprox 1hr then I return fans and close room dropped the temps 10 degrees and kept humidity down to 55 % also I use lights on during night time during summer to fight heat humidity untill mid sep then I move back today lights bcz I like what the cold does to the colours on my blueberry phenos :)
Hey thanks ! Umm, my lights don't really overheat the tent, max it gets to is 80, and im keeping it at 80 lately cuz i heard warmer temps are good against rot or something? could be wrong but i heard anything below 70 allows botyritis to thrive, even at night. I ordered a cheap dehumidi which i hope reduces the RH by at least 10-15% down to like 35% is this safe?

Until it arrives i have no clue how to stop the lights off RH reaching 65%, but havign the fan heater on in there during night keeps temps around 75-77 and humidity stays dry around 45-50, is it safe to do this until it arrives??
I've already had 2 minor cases of rot in 2 large colas, probably due to me not having the oscillating fans on full for a few days (misinformed). So now theyr all on full blast and i stuck another 1 i nthere too so its windy as shit in there now, this is good right? Sorry if i sound flustered but i honestly am, it's my 3rd grow and iv had rot in all crops but this time its really minor and i still got a lot of nice bud coming on, probly giving it another 2 weeks.

Btw i run a 600 hps and a 250hps with a 125 cfl aider.