Keeping Potted Plants Cool

Paint one side of the pot matt white to reflect the light/heat, avoid the hottest time of the day plants go dormant above 85f
Paint one side of the pot matt white to reflect the light/heat, avoid the hottest time of the day plants go dormant above 85f

Is that the truth? By that reasoning then, most outdoor plants do their growing at night, and just kind of survive during the daytime? In this area, the high is greater than 90 for at least 4 months of the growing season here.
Is that the truth? By that reasoning then, most outdoor plants do their growing at night, and just kind of survive during the daytime? In this area, the high is greater than 90 for at least 4 months of the growing season here.

I don't believe that myth either... In some areas you'll be lucky to see the daytime temperatures dip below 90 and plants in those conditions seem to thrive. I'm more prone to believe that high temps merely slow down growth, and that's only if the plant is stressed or in need of water.

That's my two cents, anyway.
The problem with this post is it should be in the noob section(mod) as the issue with being young and dumb is just that...! rather than 'em bare your ass', yourself any further

By using the map to find the zone in which you live, you will be able to determine what plants will "winter over" in your garden and survive for many years. That map was first published in 1960 and updated in 1990. Today nearly all American references books, nursery catalogs, and gardening magazines describe plants using USDA Zones.

But cold isn't the only factor determining whether our plants will survive and thrive. Particularly during seasons of drought, we are all aware of the impact that heat has on our plants. Based on numerous studies, the consensus of scientists is that our planet's climate is warming because of changes in its atmosphere

The effects of heat damage are more subtle than those of extreme cold, which will kill a plant instantly. Heat damage can first appear in many different parts of the plant: Flower buds may wither, leaves may droop or become more attractive to insects, chlorophyll may disappear so that leaves appear white or brown, or roots may cease growing. Plant death from heat is slow and lingering. The plant may survive in a stunted or chlorotic state for several years. When desiccation reaches a high enough level, the enzymes that control growth are deactivated and the plant dies.
Although this is for all typical plants for ones garden ....cannabis is no different!
adjective: dormant
  1. (of an animal) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep.
"dormant butterflies"

asleep, sleeping, resting; More
inactive, passive, inert, latent, quiescent
"the tubers lie dormant in the soil until spring"

awake, active
(of a plant or bud) alive but not actively growing.

asleep, sleeping, resting;
inactive, passive, inert, latent, quiescent
"the tubers lie dormant in the soil until spring"

awake, active
(of a volcano) temporarily inactive.

asleep, sleeping, resting; More
inactive, passive, inert, latent, quiescent
"the tubers lie dormant in the soil until spring"

awake, active
(of a disease) causing no symptoms but not cured and liable to recur.

asleep, sleeping, resting; More
inactive, passive, inert, latent, quiescent
"the tubers lie dormant in the soil until spring"

awake, active
(of an animal) depicted lying with its head on its paws.
late Middle English (in the senses ‘fixed in position’ and ‘latent’): from Old French, ‘sleeping,’ present participle of dormir, from Latin dormire ‘to sleep.’

I am not being argumentative, but I would say my plants are actively growing