Keeping thieves away


Well-Known Member
A good thing to do is place string around the perimeter of ur grow ( thin string) and place it low, under vegetation if possible.

If the string has been broken either an animalor more likely abipedal human has crossed ur grow.

Track traps are good to using mud or watching the vegetation around your grow for signs of new paths.

This stuff will let you know if your grow has been compromised without having to shell out money for a cam
And when you find your entire crop gone, you know your grow has been compromised, too. Knowing about it after the fact isn't helpful.


Well-Known Member
I use motion and heat detectors in my garden, along with a 6" fence. Nobody can come within 10' of my fenced in garden without my alarm alerting me. I don't set the alarm for a loud outdoor burst, instead I had an indoor base station that I set to alert. I can move the base around the house with me so anywhere I go I can hear it. I figure that I'll be alerted before anybody even gets close to my locked fencing, then they would have to deal the the fence. So I'll have plenty of time to confront any intruders. The most important thing I believe is not to leave your garden at all while in mid the late flowering. I stick up with everything I think I'll need so I don't have to leave the house. If I would have to confront someone I'd start with just yelling to try to scare them. If that doesn't work then I have to decide on other options such as pepper spray, baseball bat, etc. I'll never confront someone without my Glock handy though. You have to be able to size the threat as quickly as possible and that's not always easy to do. Kinda just have to play by ear if you know what I mean. Thankfully I'm able to keep my mouth shut, that's the first and best line of defense.


Well-Known Member
And when you find your entire crop gone, you know your grow has been compromised, too. Knowing about it after the fact isn't helpful.
Well they aren't going to snatch it up at any point in the growth / life cycle that would b retarded. If they came n and saw young plants they might have broke your string but plan on coming back. I think that was his point.then again they could step right over it even on accident lol.


Well-Known Member
TMB's top 10 ways to keep a thief away.
1) Tell nobody! The fewer people that know, less chance to get your shit ripped.
2) Get a Dog. Few people want to challenge a good watch dog, and they make for a good companion while working in the garden.
3) Security cameras with a motion detector, one that will call your cell phone.
4) Good fencing, I like chain link myself, or "No Climb" fencing, nothing under 6' w/the frosted corrugated 2' X 6' panels attached.
5) Motion detectors, They work great with no wind.
6) Pitch a tent in the garden with a small light.
7) I leave a radio on during flowering season.
8) Sleep with your ladies, and bring your "Taliban" with you!
9) Geese are noisy ass bastards and will let you know if someone was in your garden.
10) Don't get advise from those "on-line" web sites, they're all a bunch of stoners!...LOL


Unless you're in a pot friendly state ( I am :D) and growing on your property, best to leave the guns out of it IMO.

The best ways I've been able to avoid being ripped off are.

1) Tell NO ONE!!
2) Several small plots scattered throughout a medium sized area... yeah, it makes for more work, but if someone finds one of your plots, its unlikely they will find the others.
3) be careful not to create trails... I take a different way into my plots every time to avoid making obvious trails...
4) find the hardest to get to areas possible... thick growth on a hathe in a swamp seems to be best... no one wants to trudge thru swamp to maybe find some weed plants.