Keeping Water Temps Up, How Do You?


Well-Known Member
Howdy all,

I'm trying to find a heating element that I can leave in a 5 gal bucket to keep my water temps in the 80s...right now I toss my watering can (plastic) into the microwave to individually heat up a liter of water, but I want something that maintains constant temp...all I can find locally are ones for outdoor animals that only kick on to keep it from freezing.


Active Member
dwc buckets? 80s is a lil warm for what i do. but anywho walmart sells a cheap heater 15 bones keeps itself at 78..i use em in my fry tanks..(baby fishies lol). peace


Well-Known Member
You should keep your plant water on the cooler side, this makes for a denser amount of food in the water.


Well-Known Member
Good advice, thanks. I've found that warm, ph corrected water keeps the soil ph in line.


Well-Known Member
The higher end aquarium heaters are not glass, but stainless steel (they call them "titanium" for some less than honest reason.) This is good because you can put them at the bottom of the reservoir and they stay there; fully submersed. If your bucket is 1/4 empty, or 3/4 empty, the unit is never exposed to air and can never crack.