kelp ..alfalfa ...or both


Well-Known Member
My buds are probably just over half done on this little dinky ass plant that the 5.0 didn't take... And I was wondering if I foliar fed them with a tea or even ground fed them which would u use...i have both meals so its no big deal...also how much would u use in a 3 gal brew set up....and how much would u cut the foliar spray with water or would u at all
I'd spray the plant with full strength tea and dump the rest on the roots. It helps if you have an atomizer sprayer. Since it looks like you're on the east coast I'm going to guess it's not 90degrees still with super low humidity like over hear. If it's too wet to spray then just dump it on the roots.

I used to dilute my tea; but after a while i just started making more and going full strength. I would add alfalfa and kelp for sure. I'd also toss some jamaican bat poo and humic acid in too; but that's just me.

I toss 4 cups of alfalfa and kelp into 30gal garbage. So for 3gal I'd say 1/4-1/2 cup.