Sorry if I'm a little behind on posting the results, been busy as a one-legged man in a square dancing contest ;?) But the results that I have gotten are nothing short of EXTREMELY IMPRESSIVE!
First I mixed up a solution using the ratio mentioned above, 5:2 fulvic acid/kelp extract (FA/KE), using both dry ingredients ordered bulk, iow cheap off the shelf, not the expensive name brand solutions. For the measures (since I never did find any information on what they were talking about), I took the amounts recommended on the dry ingredients for a foliar spray and then adjusted this to fit the 5:2 ratio, then mixed up a quart.
I started with two mother plants, both DJ Short's Shortbread. One was treated with the foliar spray about 8 days before taking clones and the other was not. One note, the untreated plant had been in the flower room for about a week longer than the treated plant, so you'll notice in the pics that the treated plant is hasn't started to show buds yet.
I took a dozen clones each, used Clonex rooting gel and Jiffy pellets and then they were kept under a dome to maintain humidity. After 6 days no roots were showing, but while examining them I noticed that some of the untreated clones were still loose and not showing any sign of rooting. I even tugged on and removed 4 of them to find some bumps/nodules where roots were beginning, but not taking off as usual (I know this is normally a no-no, but for the sake of testing I wanted to verify what was happening).
Some of the slow start I chalked up to not providing heat (it's been really cold with sub-zero temps recently), so I put a heating pad set to 79 F. and I also decided to give the clones a foliar treatment of the FA/KE solution as well as a couple of spritzes on the Jiffy pellets for good measure. Then I closed up the dome and left them alone for 3 days.
Well late on the 3rd day I took a peek and was absolutely blown away to see BUNCHES of of white hairy roots sticking out of the pellets!!!

Considering the amount of change in such a short time, imo this had to be the effect of the most recent foliar treatment (sure the heat helped too, but this dramatic an effect imo goes way beyond just that).
However, when you look at the pics you will notice that the clones from the treated mother are all much greener and healthier looking than those from the untreated mom, so I also believe that pretreating your mom's helps to make stronger clones with more stored energy. Here's some pics (sorry about the quality, a bit fuzzy):
These clones from the treated mom just looked healthier overall, no wilting or yellowing leaves showing that this cutting still has plenty of energy/food stores.
Clones from the untreated mom, notice the yellowing leaves seems to indicate a less energy reserves resulting in nutrients being cannibalized to make up for this.