Kelp Extract & Fulvic Acid Solution For Clones

also you must be thick as fuck name calling are you fucking serious or you one of these new age guys that get a period everytime someone cracks a joke
i said i dont trust his sideburns can you not have a laugh about that ?? not like i called a fat pedo with sideburns all i can say is harden the fuck up sunshine
not a grammar nazi in the least. i'm simply stating don't harsh a dude that is an industry expert when you clearly couldn't think your way out of the 3rd grade. name calling BTW- the true mark of a great mind.
i do have a shoulder u can cry on or you hunting down admin as we speak to try get me banned hehe
Probably not, but a seasoned grower does not need any ;-)
Again, sorry, but imo that's a sure-fire recipe for stagnation imo, and I don't know if you're implying that I'm not a "grower", but I've been cultivating weed on and off since the 70's, so I do know a thing or two about this game.

And even for an old dog, I'm still into learning and always looking at new information about this craft, as the science of horticulture and cannabis cultivation is still growing, and if you think you know it all, well I'd have to beg to differ.

But if you can always get 100% clone survival, if every clone you take ends up a producer, then I'll eat my words, otherwise I's suggest you open your mind, but hey it's a free country and you can grow however suits you best.
good read mate i have nerver used fulvic as a folar as i always apply to my medium i get weird growth only when they are young one thing i do notice with young clones that do have a nice uptake of fulvic do get a few weird node growths and the big thing i do notice is the 12-15 leaf fan leaves with most the leaf comming from the middle of the fan leaves but when i flower i also notice weird bud growth like buds out of the mains stems and i have had buds produce on fan leaves which is odd but by week 4-5 they have bulked that much you do not notice but for survival rates i do not notice any difference from clones that have fulvic to clones that don't but as for root production yes i would say roots do produce quicker with fulic humic acid then one that dont also they plants by week 2-3 of veg a so strong and a heavy green so yes i would say the fulic helps for sure

Huh, that's interesting, you know that might explain some phenomenon that I've noticed in the past with feeding fulvic and humic acids, like 13 &15 leaf fans, and I have gotten that weird bud growing out of a fan leaf in the past. Maybe some mutations can be caused by too much fulvic/humic, since those who do use it (am assuming at the correct levels) haven't mentioned this. Be an interesting experiment when I have time for it (better make a note or I'll forget, lol)

I am looking forward to retiring in the next year or two (whenever I finally loose my mind and quit my day job ;?), and puttering around in my garden and doing experiments like this will help pass the time. Also what I'm hoping this proves is that by applying that 5:2 sol as a foliar to my Moms, say 10 days before taking clones, I'm hoping that will increase my clone's survival rates.

I'll also do a test to see if my Moms bounce back faster after surgery with this spray - treat 2 with and 2 without and see if there's a noticable diff. I hope some others will try this, I like to have some corroberating evidence (otherwise this kind of info just ends up as more hearsay than fact, imo). Thanks for the info Rob333 ;?)
Huh, that's interesting, you know that might explain some phenomenon that I've noticed in the past with feeding fulvic and humic acids, like 13 &15 leaf fans, and I have gotten that weird bud growing out of a fan leaf in the past. Maybe some mutations can be caused by too much fulvic/humic, since those who do use it (am assuming at the correct levels) haven't mentioned this. Be an interesting experiment when I have time for it (better make a note or I'll forget, lol)

I am looking forward to retiring in the next year or two (whenever I finally loose my mind and quit my day job ;?), and puttering around in my garden and doing experiments like this will help pass the time. Also what I'm hoping this proves is that by applying that 5:2 sol as a foliar to my Moms, say 10 days before taking clones, I'm hoping that will increase my clone's survival rates.

I'll also do a test to see if my Moms bounce back faster after surgery with this spray - treat 2 with and 2 without and see if there's a noticable diff. I hope some others will try this, I like to have some corroberating evidence (otherwise this kind of info just ends up as more hearsay than fact, imo). Thanks for the info Rob333 ;?)
surgery and grafting man when useing humic and fulvic damn they bounce back quick and fast
not a grammar nazi in the least. i'm simply stating don't harsh a dude that is an industry expert when you clearly couldn't think your way out of the 3rd grade. name calling BTW- the true mark of a great mind.
i new it just another turd with his cock in his hand
Did the first application of the Fulvic/Kelp extract to my moms-to-be. However I had to wing it because after going back and watching the video, as well as a dozen searches, I haven't yet found any info regarding exactly what the unit of measure is in the 5:2 ratio - is it grams, milligrams, teaspoons??? So I started with the Fulvic and used the recommended amount per gallon (1/4 teaspoon) and using that as a base, calculated the amount of Kelp extract. Hope this is enough, but if anyone has the 411 on this, I would sure appreciate it.:bigjoint:

I did screw up, in that I had wanted to take a couple of control clones without the treatment, but I forgot and sprayed them all, so unfortunately this time around it'll just have to be my subjective observations on the effects. I'll do another application in a week and then take clones the following week. I'll post some pics soon ;?)
Interesting info....once you weed through the repetitive sling-blade comments o_O

I've noticed that if I use a combo of willow water and/or fulvics/kelp I get much stronger clones. There have been times that I've been in a pinch and only used peat pucks and the root growth was slooooow.

Thanks for posting the vid :D :peace:
Still looking for any advice on the amount per gallon, but looks like not too many peeps are using this for the aforementioned purpose.

Well I'm FINALLY getting around to taking some clones, but that's because I've had to do battle with that old fungal enemy, LEAF BLIGHT, grrr. Unfortunately, with fungal problems it seems there are always spores somewhere in my house because if I let the humidity rise too high it takes hold and starts to sicken and kill off my girls. This stuff is pretty nasty, starts off looking like s nute deficiency of some kind, but then the affected leaves just die off and eventually kill the weakest plants.

The key to battling this shite is lower the humidity, constant air movement, keeping temps below 70F, but most importantly, heavy applications of Serenade, both sides of every leaf, and also mixed and fed with the nutes, and eventually I have beaten it. But it's taken a toll, I'm down to 3 DJ Short Shortbread and 4 Kurple Fantasy. I also continue to add this to every other feeding as the Bacillus Subtilus helps a plants own immune system.

So the remaining plants are all starting to look really healthy, and I've also noticed that the kelp and humic acid has really amped up the formation of nodes, especially on the Shortbread, pretty incredible how tightly spaced the nodes are on the two that were fed this compared to the control plant (not fed K&HA). Here's a few pics of my girls just before getting switched to 12/12.

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i have some experiance with NPK industries additives, i use most of their line - kelp, silica, humic, b1, molasses, and they are good.
one thing of important, is to be VERY carefull when using kelp as foilar feed. it is extreamly dengarous if over used. DR harley himself worns against it in his vids.
i forgut about his wornings, and applied kelp and fulvic a few times in one week. the resolt is burns lower fan leavs - they start burn from the lower part of the plant and progresive up.
another thing is, it's stop the top shots from growing, and promots side branching.
that sounds like a good thing, and maybe it is if not too much. but for my case it stoped the top from growing, and the lower the shots the stronger they grow. like the plant is growing upside down.
ahhhh not good. it gave me a bush of small shots, i had to take them down manualy. smaler branches pased the main stem in vertical height.
so it can be a good tactic if you want your mum to have planty of side branches to take clones, but not for flowering plants
Jus FYI... Liquid Karma = kelp, humic, and yucca. 3 of Harley's favorite supplements. I live by his videos, they're gold.

i don't understand why anyone would pay a company for bottled water if the ingredients can be bought in bulk for much, much cheaper... but each to their own!
NPK same guys that bottled pyrethris into Mighty Wash and didn't list it.

I've seen people experiment with lots of things but a simple IBA solution and properly taking the clone seems to work the best.

Everything that he's mentioned people have been doing for ages. Most clone makers I know spray kelp and use fulvic/humic on their mother plants.
NPK same guys that bottled pyrethris into Mighty Wash and didn't list it.

I've seen people experiment with lots of things but a simple IBA solution and properly taking the clone seems to work the best.

Everything that he's mentioned people have been doing for ages. Most clone makers I know spray kelp and use fulvic/humic on their mother plants.
Good to know, but then I'm not planning on buying NPK products, just watching his video's which have been informative.
And I don't think that Dr. Harley claims that this is a proprietary formula or even new, he's simply pointing out what a LOT of people do not know regarding fulvic acid and kelp extract.
I've been growing for decades and while I have used kelp and fulvic and humic acid for many years, I and my friends who grow had not heard of the benefits when it comes to cloning.
And I can tell from the paucity of responses to this post that not everyone is doing this either, although as you point out, the professionals have probably known about this for a long time now.
Sorry if I'm a little behind on posting the results, been busy as a one-legged man in a square dancing contest ;?) But the results that I have gotten are nothing short of EXTREMELY IMPRESSIVE!

First I mixed up a solution using the ratio mentioned above, 5:2 fulvic acid/kelp extract (FA/KE), using both dry ingredients ordered bulk, iow cheap off the shelf, not the expensive name brand solutions. For the measures (since I never did find any information on what they were talking about), I took the amounts recommended on the dry ingredients for a foliar spray and then adjusted this to fit the 5:2 ratio, then mixed up a quart.

I started with two mother plants, both DJ Short's Shortbread. One was treated with the foliar spray about 8 days before taking clones and the other was not. One note, the untreated plant had been in the flower room for about a week longer than the treated plant, so you'll notice in the pics that the treated plant is hasn't started to show buds yet.

I took a dozen clones each, used Clonex rooting gel and Jiffy pellets and then they were kept under a dome to maintain humidity. After 6 days no roots were showing, but while examining them I noticed that some of the untreated clones were still loose and not showing any sign of rooting. I even tugged on and removed 4 of them to find some bumps/nodules where roots were beginning, but not taking off as usual (I know this is normally a no-no, but for the sake of testing I wanted to verify what was happening).

Some of the slow start I chalked up to not providing heat (it's been really cold with sub-zero temps recently), so I put a heating pad set to 79 F. and I also decided to give the clones a foliar treatment of the FA/KE solution as well as a couple of spritzes on the Jiffy pellets for good measure. Then I closed up the dome and left them alone for 3 days.

Well late on the 3rd day I took a peek and was absolutely blown away to see BUNCHES of of white hairy roots sticking out of the pellets!!! :o:shock::bigjoint: Considering the amount of change in such a short time, imo this had to be the effect of the most recent foliar treatment (sure the heat helped too, but this dramatic an effect imo goes way beyond just that).

However, when you look at the pics you will notice that the clones from the treated mother are all much greener and healthier looking than those from the untreated mom, so I also believe that pretreating your mom's helps to make stronger clones with more stored energy. Here's some pics (sorry about the quality, a bit fuzzy):

20170111_014438.jpg 20170111_014420.jpg

These clones from the treated mom just looked healthier overall, no wilting or yellowing leaves showing that this cutting still has plenty of energy/food stores.

Clones from the untreated mom, notice the yellowing leaves seems to indicate a less energy reserves resulting in nutrients being cannibalized to make up for this.
And to follow up, those pics were taken about a week ago. Now normally I'll take a dozen clones with hopes that at least 8-10 will take, and if more I'll often weed out the runts. But this time I had 100% success on both sets of 12 clones, although 2 from the untreated mom are looking rather puny, so I may cull them.

So my final conclusion, albeit based on just this one round, is that this stuff REALLY DOES WORK AND WORKS GREAT!!! So if you've been having problems with cloning, or want to raise your success rate near to 100%, you should definitely try this on your next go-round. If your results are anything like mine, you should be very pleasantly surprised, I know I was ;?D
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And to follow up, those pics were taken about a week ago. Now normally I'll take a dozen clones with hopes that at least 8-10 will take, and if more I'll often weed out the runts. But this time I had 100% success on both sets of 12 clones, although 2 from the untreated mom are looking rather puny, so I may cull them.

So my final conclusion, albeit based on just this one round, is that this stuff REALLY DOES WORK AND WORKS GREAT!!! So if you've been having problems with cloning, or want to raise your success rate near to 100%, you should definitely try this on your next go-round. If your results are anything like mine, you should be very pleasantly surprised, I know I was ;?D

Good work, well done.