Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!


Well-Known Member
so here it is all but the last to the right is kens gdp..transplanting 1 into a 7 gallon planter for outdoors.all these are outdoor plants jus in 3 to 4 gal buckets,i hava auto out in the woods yu wouldnt believe,will pik it some other time.peace.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
so here it is all but the last to the right is kens gdp..transplanting 1 into a 7 gallon planter for outdoors.all these are outdoor plants jus in 3 to 4 gal buckets,i hava auto out in the woods yu wouldnt believe,will pik it some other time.peace.:leaf:

hell yeah everything is looking good bro...


Well-Known Member
thanx ,,i'll be back out there tomorrow,spray some more in the area,they flower immediately under all day 99F hermies.


Active Member
So I have a final tally on Ken's products. They all showed their sex within 8 days of 12/12.
GDP 3 Female 1 Male
Bay 11 4 Female 0 Male
Ken's Kush 2 Female 2 Male

So out of 12 seeds, 100% germination and 9 out of 12 are female. Seeing I have no clue what I'm doing, it must be the genetics. Well done GDP!


Well-Known Member
gd thats how its done.yea i'm veging all mine at least 4 to6 weex before prime time.i like to flower from seed then transplant females in buckets send them back to veging.


Active Member
Thanx Raiderman. I wanted to mention, Holy stretch Batman! I'd say since switching to 12/12 they have grown no less than 12 inches and they are only 9 days into 12/12. Oh btw, I met PWN Rep at the cup yesturday, we had a nice chat.

gd thats how its done.yea i'm veging all mine at least 4 to6 weex before prime time.i like to flower from seed then transplant females in buckets send them back to veging.


Well-Known Member
wen u take a inside seedling outdoors it takes a 2 or 3 days to adjust,then u go with it,i'm sure yu knew that.rdr.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Raiderman. I wanted to mention, Holy stretch Batman! I'd say since switching to 12/12 they have grown no less than 12 inches and they are only 9 days into 12/12. Oh btw, I met PWN Rep at the cup yesturday, we had a nice chat.
whose pwn.


Active Member
For me there were a few things on my cup wish list. First was saying hi to Subcool and thanking him for sharing his methods. Secondly I was hoping to find a new CBD strain or strains that would otherwise not be available to me.

Mission accomplished on both.

The 215 area was a mad house and I got there early the first day, was nutz. Great to people watch. There was a parrot smoking a joint, I mean come on where else you gonna see that.

This hobby has turned into an obsession.

I saw you met sub also. What was the coolest part of cup, come on. Share with us. lol.