kepp both male and female


Well-Known Member
hi guys, today i found out that my 3 out of 5 plants are females. Well they are in the same conteiner and i wanna keep both females and males plants and it has past 1,5 week since the lights went down to 12/12 hours but they started to flower this week. Are my females plants in danger of evolving into males after 1,5 week, what should i do in order to keep all of them?


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to have your bud ruined by seeds.. Remove the males and destroy them..

If you want seed's in your females...Keep the males...

You females wont magically turn into males..but they have the smallest chance of developing male pollen sacks and becoming a hermy.

Hope this made sense :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well if you want to prevent the females from being pollinated and creating seeds it will have to be an air tight area as the pollen can spread so easily as its such a fine dust.

Can i ask why you want to keep the males?


Well-Known Member
i wanna produce best possible weed... could females be harmed after being in the same containers with males for 1,5 week?


Well-Known Member
If your male plants have round sacks hanging of the stems opened up like an umbrella your females will be pollinated... If there is just tiny balls your safe for now but you will need to removes the males as soon as possible..

If you want the best weed possible from your grow i suggest putting a black bag over the tops of the male plants cutting the stem and just disposing of them.. Its guttering but i have had to do it! :)