Kevin's House?

Like I said, I don't know which two. But the two coming back for the 10:00 show do. Why else would they come back just for another failed vote?

I arrived at my conclusion based on the information I have which is less than needed to be positive which is also why I stated that I could be wrong. Why would two members that had left return to vote just so mccarthy could get to 216? And if they are anti-mccarthy votes why would they return when there are already the six that could prevent mccarthy from getting to 218?

I believe two of those six are going to flip. I can't say which ones. We don't know any of the backroom details but these House members do.

The only muddying going on is from you. How the hell am I supposed to know which two are going to flip? Sounds like you're just shooting the messenger. You might want this spectacle to drag out for weeks and maybe I do too but it isn't going to happen. If the likely outcome ruined your day that's your problem not mine.
specious reasoning...none of those conclusions hold water on're dealing with spiteful, unreasonable, irrational people. trying to draw reasonable conclusions about them is also irrational...
Like I said, I don't know which two. But the two coming back for the 10:00 show do. Why else would they come back just for another failed vote?

I arrived at my conclusion based on the information I have which is less than needed to be positive which is also why I stated that I could be wrong. Why would two members that had left return to vote just so mccarthy could get to 216? And if they are anti-mccarthy votes why would they return when there are already the six that could prevent mccarthy from getting to 218?

I believe two of those six are going to flip. I can't say which ones. We don't know any of the backroom details but these House members do.

The only muddying going on is from you. How the hell am I supposed to know which two are going to flip? Sounds like you're just shooting the messenger. You might want this spectacle to drag out for weeks and maybe I do too but it isn't going to happen. If the likely outcome ruined your day that's your problem not mine.
having reread both posts, I’m missing where you did either of the bolded.

And the obvious reason for them to come back is not to hand the other party a win by default, which probability their presence diminishes.

I have no need to shoot the messenger when the message has these nice concentric rings all over it.
Kevin will get it eventually, I would expect the holdouts flip as one group as none want to be left out in the cold. They have a loser of a hand and have to know it, it's just brinksmanship for max personal gain, the pot needs to be sweet enough.

6 is the magic number jeffries would need though...maybe spite will be enough to get them to cross over.

Perhaps they wish to form a trumpy 3rd party and this is their send-off. I know Bobo squeeked by and her career is done, what do the others have going on? Trump isn't getting the republican slot, perhaps this is him influencing some folks to take their ball and run, trying to damage the Republicans as much as possible on the way out so they can try and pull more along with them.
Kevin will get it eventually, I would expect the holdouts flip as one group as none want to be left out in the cold. They have a loser of a hand and have to know it, it's just brinksmanship for max personal gain, the pot needs to be sweet enough.

6 is the magic number jeffries would need though...maybe spite will be enough to get them to cross over.

Perhaps they wish to form a trumpy 3rd party and this is their send-off. I know Bobo squeeked by and her career is done, what do the others have going on? Trump isn't getting the republican slot, perhaps this is him influencing some folks to take their ball and run, trying to damage the Republicans as much as possible on the way out so they can try and pull more along with them.

Are they Never Kevin enough to do it..? Kevin or Jeffries? That would be totally shanking Kevin:lol:
having reread both posts, I’m missing where you did either of the bolded.

And the obvious reason for them to come back is not to hand the other party a win by default, which probability their presence diminishes.

I have no need to shoot the messenger when the message has these nice concentric rings all over it.

Does your silliness never end? Looks like you have some memory issues. Smoking too much of the dank?


Kevin will get it eventually, I would expect the holdouts flip as one group as none want to be left out in the cold. They have a loser of a hand and have to know it, it's just brinksmanship for max personal gain, the pot needs to be sweet enough.

6 is the magic number jeffries would need though...maybe spite will be enough to get them to cross over.

Perhaps they wish to form a trumpy 3rd party and this is their send-off. I know Bobo squeeked by and her career is done, what do the others have going on? Trump isn't getting the republican slot, perhaps this is him influencing some folks to take their ball and run, trying to damage the Republicans as much as possible on the way out so they can try and pull more along with them.
I think they’ve painted themselves so far into the corner that blinking now would bring unbearable loss of face.

The counterdatum is that That Man’s face is a lot bigger now than when he ran in ‘16.
Are they Never Kevin enough to do it..? Kevin or Jeffries? That would be totally shanking Kevin:lol:
And that is why this article is wrong. The obvious and radical is snag a coupla GOP defectors …

I think they’ve painted themselves so far into the corner that blinking now would bring unbearable loss of face.

The counterdatum is that That Man’s face is a lot bigger now than when he ran in ‘16.

They could view trump as the only horse to hook their wagons to, but i base that on the two well known members. Bobo isn't popular, she doesn't have career prospects after this. Her restaurant failed. The only contacts she made were trumpy, she cant be a lobbyist or talking head. Gaetz seems like he has some shady goings-on, he won easily so I assume it's not about staying relevant...piss tapes perhaps, or he knows being tied to trump is the only reason he easily won.

Are they Never Kevin enough to do it..? Kevin or Jeffries? That would be totally shanking Kevin:lol:

I believe jeffries has 212 currently, so yeah, 6 holdouts opting to cross over to kick kev in the balls would do it. Perhaps the 20 original holdouts got together and those that flipped were doing it with the knowledge that 6 were gonna do the deed.

They do love razor thin margins, keeps the folks entertained. It's dramatic theater.
They could view trump as the only horse to hook their wagons to, but i base that on the two well known members. Bobo isn't popular, she doesn't have career prospects after this. Her restaurant failed. The only contacts she made were trumpy, she cant be a lobbyist or talking head. Gaetz seems like he has some shady goings-on, he won easily so I assume it's not about staying relevant...piss tapes perhaps, or he knows being tied to trump is the only reason he easily won.

I believe jeffries has 212 currently, so yeah, 6 holdouts opting to cross over to kick kev in the balls would do it. Perhaps the 20 original holdouts got together and those that flipped were doing it with the knowledge that 6 were gonna do the deed.

They do love razor thin margins, keeps the folks entertained. It's dramatic theater.
Jeffries will have 213 when the errant Democrat shows back up tonight.
They want to be the McCain thumbs down moment, drama and shock.

Idk if the Democrats will or should offer them anything. I do think that the freedom caucus is done and the members realized it and that traditional republicans were going to try and forget them and push them out.
They want to be the McCain thumbs down moment, drama and shock.

Idk if the Democrats will or should offer them anything. I do think that the freedom caucus is done and the members realized it and that traditional republicans were going to try and forget them and push them out.
imo the Democrats should stand pat, unless they can snag a vote or two from across the aisle. It won’t change the outcome, but would be some amusing mud on the Rs’ faces.
Well I sure got that wrong. boebert votes "present". She got ripped apart pretty bad by hannity and FOX. I still didn't see that one coming though. Thought that she'd hold firm.
Kev's still 2 short of wining. Motion to adjourn until Monday shot down!

Apparently next round of humiliation begins!
Kev's still 2 short of wining. Motion to adjourn until Monday shot down!

Apparently next round of humiliation begins!

Someone's going to switch their vote to mccarthy and yes I don't know who but it's going to happen. That's how ignorant the GOP has become. They can't even count. The 2 "present" votes from flipping boebert and gates wasn't enough. You can't predict someone making a math error.

Number 15 and we're done. What a bunch of fools.