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Please Obama nominate Debbie Wasserman Shultz. It would be solid gold watching Right wingers heads literally explode!
You wingnuts just repeat everything without question. In '92, when this quote from Biden was lifted, and a total shithead Republican was sitting as a lame duck, Biden did not advocate what today's wingnut congress intends.You got that right, fuck 'em. Even Biden agrees it should be the next president.
Biden: President Should 'Not Name A Nominee Until After The November Election'
Another nail in the obstructionist GOP senate's coffin. 24 Republican senators are up for this election cycle compared to 6 Democratic ones.Key Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee emerged from a closed door meeting in Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office Tuesday united in their determination not to consider any nominee to replace Antonin Scalia until the next president takes office.
Tuesday was the first full day the Senate was back in session since Scalia's death Feb. 13.
"We believe the American people need to decide who is going to make this appointment rather than a lame duck president," said Majority Whip John Cornyn.
When asked if they would start the process after the new president took office or if they would consider doing it in the lame duck session, Cornyn replied "No, after the next president is selected. That way the American people have a voice in the process."
Sen. Lindsey Graham said that "there's no use starting a process that's not going to go anywhere and we are going to let the next president decide," when asked why there would be no hearings.
When TPM asked if he had political concerns about the decision not to move forward with a nominee, Graham responded."I have zero concerns politically."
"I think this is what they would do," Graham said referring to Senate Democrats. "For them to say they wouldn't do this is a lie."
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) demurred saying that Republicans were "still talking."
The meeting in McConnell's office came not long after he made a speech on the Senate floorvowing to block any Obama nominee.
"Presidents have a right to nominate just as the Senate has its constitutional right to provide or withhold consent. In this case, the Senate will withhold it," McConnell said. "The Senate will appropriately revisit the matter after the American people finish making in November the decision they've already started making today."
do you have sex with farm animals? or, more accurately, how often do you have sex with farm animals?Why can't we get to the real issue which is why wasn't scalias body autopsied? Another Obama trick that backfired and now he won't be able to stack the court.
nope. never. this is why America isn't gonna let liberals win the election. you're all fucked in the head and completely morally bankrupt. hence why Obama neede Scalia to die because he was the vote that kept our country you have sex with farm animals? or, more accurately, how often do you have sex with farm animals?
We won the last 2 presidential ones. Why would you think we can't do it again?nope. never. this is why America isn't gonna let liberals win the election. you're all fucked in the head and completely morally bankrupt. hence why Obama neede Scalia to die because he was the vote that kept our country free.
Cause of death? Old fat fuck.Why can't we get to the real issue which is why wasn't scalias body autopsied? Another Obama trick that backfired and now he won't be able to stack the court.
Are you questioning my Christian faith?nope. never. this is why America isn't gonna let liberals win the election. you're all fucked in the head and completely morally bankrupt. hence why Obama neede Scalia to die because he was the vote that kept our country free.
Glenn Beck personally performed the autopsy and came to the conclusion that Jesus killed Scalia.nope. never. this is why America isn't gonna let liberals win the election. you're all fucked in the head and completely morally bankrupt. hence why Obama need Scalia to die because he was the vote that kept our country free.
That is a distinction without a difference. Do you think for one second Obama would appoint a middle of the road kind of person here?You wingnuts just repeat everything without question. In '92, when this quote from Biden was lifted, and a total shithead Republican was sitting as a lame duck, Biden did not advocate what today's wingnut congress intends.
You have a tin ear and a small mind. You are proof that technical ability is not a measurement for intelligence.
Joe Biden Didn’t Say That The Senate Should Block Supreme Court Nominees During An Election Year
Biden’s full speech undermines their claim. Rather than urging his colleagues to deny Bush’s potential nominee a hearing, Biden was bemoaning the politicization of the confirmation process — hence his suggestion of not holding a hearing in the heat of a presidential election — and what he saw as Bush’s refusal to properly consult with the Senate in selecting a nominee. In fact, just 10 minutes after calling for temporary inaction on Bush’s candidate, Biden actually promised to consider a moderate Supreme Court nominee.
Thickie, you are blinded by your beliefs. Do you actually think that the GOP congress is anywhere near the middle? Obama IS a centrist, which is why he is such a disappointment to the left. Of course he will appoint a centrist. Who will also be too far away from the extremely right GOP congress for them to accept. I'm not sure that anybody Obama selects will be acceptable, even if he gave Sandra Day-O'Conor the nod to fill the post temporarily.That is a distinction without a difference. Do you think for one second Obama would appoint a middle of the road kind of person here?
Hell no, and he has shown absolutely ZERO good faith in previous efforts to work with Congress, even his first two years when it was all Democrats he acted like he was the king simply notifying them of his wish to parlement, that's why he didn't get single payer
Thank you!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for someone to get to the important shit.Why can't we get to the real issue which is why wasn't scalias body autopsied? Another Obama trick that backfired and now he won't be able to stack the court.
I think Obama has a duty to appoint someone.Thickie, you are blinded by your beliefs. Do you actually think that the GOP congress is anywhere near the middle? Obama IS a centrist, which is why he is such a disappointment to the left. Of course he will appoint a centrist. Who will also be too far away from the extremely right GOP congress for them to accept. I'm not sure that anybody Obama selects will be acceptable, even if he gave Sandra Day-O'Conor the nod to fill the post temporarily.