New Member
Well his name is on a marijuana board lol. Really wish he would've told us the entire situation, so you could be right since it seems like he doesn't want to admit anything. Joining the military would be good, only 1% of them actually see combat so even if you don't I bet you could get away with claiming PTSD, who's gonna argue with a soldier now days about that. Plus if him being some kind of spoiled brat is true in any way, would straighten him up. I'll have to see what he says about the rest of his story when or if he ever comes back.I read the OP's first post, then looked at his name, and the wheels started turning. I have a friend who allowed his son to drop out of HS and live off of him for another 5 years. He NEVER got a job and smoked weed all day. Eventually he threw him out because he was tired of all of his kid's friends of like mind hanging out, eating all of his food, making a mess they didn't clean, etc. It's called tough love and it has to be done at some point.
Whatever the reason, it sucks to be Budsmoker87. I wouldn't wish that situation on anyone. Do you have any friends that you can crash with for a bit until you can get something going? If shit is getting real, you can always clean up and join the military. Go to exotic lands and kill people. Then come home, claim PTSD, get benefits, and start smoking weed again.
get job at McD's
sell car
get place
you will be happier!
real simple .. . dont mooch just cause you can . . .dont be a fin shaggy
That selling the car thing is not a bad idea, might have to bike or ride the bus but at least you should have some kind of rent money to get settled in.