Kicked Out

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I read the OP's first post, then looked at his name, and the wheels started turning. I have a friend who allowed his son to drop out of HS and live off of him for another 5 years. He NEVER got a job and smoked weed all day. Eventually he threw him out because he was tired of all of his kid's friends of like mind hanging out, eating all of his food, making a mess they didn't clean, etc. It's called tough love and it has to be done at some point.

Whatever the reason, it sucks to be Budsmoker87. I wouldn't wish that situation on anyone. Do you have any friends that you can crash with for a bit until you can get something going? If shit is getting real, you can always clean up and join the military. Go to exotic lands and kill people. Then come home, claim PTSD, get benefits, and start smoking weed again.
Well his name is on a marijuana board lol. Really wish he would've told us the entire situation, so you could be right since it seems like he doesn't want to admit anything. Joining the military would be good, only 1% of them actually see combat so even if you don't I bet you could get away with claiming PTSD, who's gonna argue with a soldier now days about that. Plus if him being some kind of spoiled brat is true in any way, would straighten him up. I'll have to see what he says about the rest of his story when or if he ever comes back.
get job at McD's

sell car

get place

you will be happier!

real simple .. . dont mooch just cause you can . . .dont be a fin shaggy

That selling the car thing is not a bad idea, might have to bike or ride the bus but at least you should have some kind of rent money to get settled in.
Well shit if he's making good money, I don't see what's the problem then. Should have found a place and what not, sounds lime your parent know you'll be ok but yeah, could've at least waited till a better month lol.
Go to the dumpsters there at McD's and get s large piece of cardboard. Go inside and ask to borrow a black marker. Make your sign and find an intersection to work. Write "PTSD, home" and I bet you will be handed at least $100 a day in cash by strangers. Sleep in your car to save money, and build up your "look". Good luck!! Oh, write "Merry Christmas" at the bottom, bet you get an extra $50 a day.
Been there and to tell the truth it hurt like hell.
But my revenge was sweet, I'm the first in my family to graduate from the school of hard knocks and end up with a couple pieces of paper on wall that say...this dude knows his shit
Not sure if that one works anymore, they have all kinds of programs to help vets, so he might get called out on that one.
He doesn't have to say he was a vet. Getting booted and being homeless is pretty stressful, traumatic even when your parents boot you at xmas. PTSD, it's not just for soldiers anymore.

PS I know a few soldiers and it takes a year or more for any "help". Most do not apply because the military trys to shame them for being too weak to cope. It's a sad system.
Well shit if he's making good money, I don't see what's the problem then. Should have found a place and what not, sounds lime your parent know you'll be ok but yeah, could've at least waited till a better month lol.

He WAS making good money on the oil rigs but got sick of the NO FEMALE situation and went back home. If I remember correctly he practically forced himself back into his parent's home. He then crowed about getting a job teaching snowboarding. I don't know if that panned out or not. Then he posted a topic about a large check he received from his last job. Yeah, there is much more to this story and I'm sure we'll never know. I'm a little shocked by his parents throwing him out during the holiday season and with inclement weather in the forecast.
He doesn't have to say he was a vet. Getting booted and being homeless is pretty stressful, traumatic even when your parents boot you at xmas. PTSD, it's not just for soldiers anymore.

PS I know a few soldiers and it takes a year or more for any "help". Most do not apply because the military trys to shame them for being too weak to cope. It's a sad system.

It certainly isn't. I was diagnosed in 2000.
True, but it would be the first reason people think of so it's still a win win I guess.

Wtf OP, did you get raped by the hamburgler or something?
Ohh, was he the guy that got like $1'300 in the mail?

I think he'll be fine with that if he didn't blow it, and it sounds like he would have an impressive resume.
Ohh, was he the guy that got like $1'300 in the mail?

I think he'll be fine with that if he didn't blow it, and it sounds like he would have an impressive resume.

AND he was getting 1,500 back for a bench warrant. (don't know how that works)
Ronald sent him packing too?

Look like ronald said "boy I will slap the fuckin shit outta you" LMAO..

my mother used to say, "Mi hijo, don't make me knock you into the middle of next week." OR "I'm going to slap all of the taste out of your mouth!"

Her favorite line was, "SEND ME TO HELL WHY DON'T YOU!!!" (I asked her to explain that one and she just whacked me on the back of the head)
Not sure the situation but the positive part is that they are giving you an opportunity to do it yourself. Then you will know how it is to be done should they die and someday they will. Hopefully that is far in the future. Life is not fair sometimes and I do feel for you but I have kids and sometimes it is bigger than trying to be their buddies. Hope you are able to muster the courage to progress from here. Sorry
my mother used to say, "Mi hijo, don't make me knock you into the middle of next week." OR "I'm going to slap all of the taste out of your mouth!"

Her favorite line was, "SEND ME TO HELL WHY DON'T YOU!!!" (I asked her to explain that one and she just whacked me on the back of the head)
I use to get into it with my mother all the time,she use to say "Get the fuck outta my house and don't come back" then a couple hours later call and say "what time are you coming home? I cooked theirs some left over if you want it,the keys under the mat" LOL..
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