Well-Known Member
Okay fuck. I finished high school this year (hopefully, dependin on my marks for finals). Now I would like to hire out a flat, not with my real name, grow lots of plants, sell the weed (keeping some for myself obv.) and make lots of money
.you need a lot of money to start a grow apartment
I realized the only way to make that amount of money (without saving from my worthless television job) would be to grow and sell weed lol
so kind of stuck in a cycle here
but a rather small grow of five plants should be enough (I m hoping [and Im not estimating from the bullshit numbers of the seed banks website]) to give me my capital
so I was just wandering whether you guys had any suggestions on a grow room, thatll produce relatively (relative to a full fuckin like 7 month process) quickly and also a proper yield? I was thinking of using co2, dehumidifier etc. to boost growth speed, but all thats costly
.guess what I'm asking you guys is for info on a cheap, fast , producing growroom that will be able to produce me my capital
Im sure a million of kids have asked this question on this forum but damn peoples
I need some individual attention