Kid needing capital through weed....for weed =)

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Well-Known Member
Okay fuck. I finished high school this year (hopefully, dependin’ on my marks for finals). Now I would like to hire out a flat, not with my real name, grow lots of plants, sell the weed (keeping some for myself obv.) and make lots of money….you need a lot of money to start a grow apartment…I realized the only way to make that amount of money (without saving from my worthless television job) would be to grow and sell weed lol…so kind of stuck in a cycle here…but a rather small grow of five plants should be enough (I’ m hoping [and I’m not estimating from the bullshit numbers of the seed bank’s website]) to give me my capital…so I was just wandering whether you guys had any suggestions on a grow room, that’ll produce relatively (relative to a full fuckin like 7 month process) quickly and also a proper yield? I was thinking of using co2, dehumidifier etc. to boost growth speed, but all that’s costly….guess what I'm asking you guys is for info on a cheap, fast , producing growroom that will be able to produce me my capital…I’m sure a million of kids have asked this question on this forum but damn peoples…I need some individual attention….:lol:


Well-Known Member
ha. you gotta look at it alot different mayng... not so spontanious. stack some money before you even think about any of if. stack some money... it takes a steady income to bengin with to get the kinda money your talking about..


Well-Known Member
and a cheap grow room. is your clost/ bedroom with reflectiv mylar or panda film on the wals. and a couple 250W HPS's, also soil, PH pen, nutrients, hydro setup if thats what your doin....... you need a alot of shit if your whanna do it right... qality is better than quantity..


Well-Known Member
get a job maybe aim for something other than being a pot kingpin... i don't think you want to set you life up around pot. but wtf do i know.....yea grow some pot invest in good lights you'll never do it will cfl's and good luck


Well-Known Member
You want fast growth? that means Hydro. Big 1000 watt HID lights. Light Mover. Good Nutrients. PPM and PH meters. Water drainage and availability. None of it is cheap!

All of it is going to cost money. The electric and water bills are also going to cost more money. There is no way to get dank weed quickly or cheaply. If it could be done, everyone would already be doing it!!

My best advice? Get a 400 watt HPS light, a couple oscillating fans, a quart of flat white paint, bag of perlite, 3 five gallon buckets with lids, 1 air pump, 3 airstones, three 4" net pots, some airline, a little rockwool. Grow 3 plants in DWC in the 5 gallon buckets in perlite medium in net pots lined with rockwool so the perlite doesn't fall through the pots. The lid will have a 3-3/4" hole in the middle so the net pot will slip thropugh the lid, but not fall through.In each bucket you will have an airstone hooked to the airpump through a hole you made in the lid. lightproof and leak proof everything. Put it all in a closet you painted flat white. fan on plants gently blowing, 1 fan on light high power blowing hot air out of closet. Keep HPS light close enough to keep plants lit, but far enough away so that they don't get burnt.

You can use the HPS light to veg and flower your plants, so that saves you some money. Veg to a height of 20 inches, then go to flowering schedule. Should be able to net 3-5 ounces of dried and cured bud . This process should take less than 3-4 months.Thats about the best I can do.


Junior Creatologist
yeah go work for him - hell put you in a nice 8x10 cell - er...ROOM to grow in bro :D

N basically what everyone is saying one way or another is that it aint a good idea to wanna do this, at least right away. I know that being a drug kingpin is a glorified occupation nowadays, but its also extremely dangerous. Not because of police, but once you get to kingpin status, you have to worry more about people wanting to rob n kill you for your shit than you do about goin to jail. What you should do is get yourself a job, n grow on the side, and LEARN about growing. It dont matter how much youve read in your life about growing, your not gonna know dick unless you have experience.

N rentin out an apartment for the sole purpose of growing pot is also a bad idea. First off, its an APARTMENT. you got people living below you, above you, and all around you. If your intending on using the whole damn thing for growing, your almost certainly gonna get caught. If not by the landlord not ever seeing you there, then from the smell that you wont be able to cover up completely. Stick to the smaller grows homie. Get yourself a house, and live in it, and just grow like 10-15 plants in your basement, and use it as a supplemental income to what youll already have from your job (if you HAVE to sell the shit, be smart about it). Take your time man. You just got out of high school, you got alotta years ahead of you to decide what you wanna be carreerwise. Dont spend them in a jail cell cuz you wanted to do too much too fast.


Well-Known Member
You can build a functioning grow room that will produce fairly good for about $500,if your interested in finding out how to go about setting up a room stick around,read some threads & gain some wisdom,your biggest challenge isnt going to be comming up with the cash its gonna be gaining the experience to grow the plants in good health so they will produce fat nuggs.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the input people, thanking only the ones that actually gave me advice that i asked for. Dr. Phils' (plural) no worries about my future lol, IVE GOT A FUCKIN" JOB!! and not just a half ass waitoring position at some steakranch, but a real fuckin' engineer's please no more self-help advice. I get that it takes experience to grow, but firstly comes the knoledge, not right? and that's what Im asking for (and there have been some posts on this thread that are really helpful) but damn I'd grab myself some "thinkin' bout throwing your life to the drugs" book to help me out step by step if I thought I needed it....the apartment idea (that's what it is, an idea) is still being thought out and to me seems fuckin' clever because your only worry (in a third world country) would have to be the smell, and yes, you can cover that up completely...oh, and to the guy who wants to get me to live with yourself a mongolian can raise him to solely grow....


Well-Known Member
Okay fuck. I finished high school this year (hopefully, dependin’ on my marks for finals). Now I would like to hire out a flat, not with my real name, grow lots of plants, sell the weed (keeping some for myself obv.) and make lots of money….you need a lot of money to start a grow apartment…I realized the only way to make that amount of money (without saving from my worthless television job) would be to grow and sell weed lol…so kind of stuck in a cycle here…but a rather small grow of five plants should be enough (I’ m hoping [and I’m not estimating from the bullshit numbers of the seed bank’s website]) to give me my capital…so I was just wandering whether you guys had any suggestions on a grow room, that’ll produce relatively (relative to a full fuckin like 7 month process) quickly and also a proper yield? I was thinking of using co2, dehumidifier etc. to boost growth speed, but all that’s costly….guess what I'm asking you guys is for info on a cheap, fast , producing growroom that will be able to produce me my capital…I’m sure a million of kids have asked this question on this forum but damn peoples…I need some individual attention….:lol:


Well-Known Member
i beg to differ, we dont act like dicks toward each other around here. People are only trying to give you helpful info because they dont want to see you get busted. You really wanna do something? GO TO COLLEGE!! Get a degree in botany or horticulture or something, move to amsterdam and breed cannabis, make your own strains and do something legal....sell the seeds.
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