ok cool guys. I thank the people who are helping me out, but whether you think it is unethical to be selling is your opinion. just like the government has its reasons for fuckin' us over. We all have our reasons, and every fuckin' little thing is OBJECTIVE....so unless you decide to help me out, dont contribute to this thread. unless you can give me actual reasons as to why my plan wont work...how it will work from there is I tell you what preperation Iv'e made to avoid that point, and then you come back to me on that...but just saing "it'll never work; get a job; youre a dumbfuck" aint going to help shit, so youre not only wasting my time by posting that poop, but yours aswell. If you trully sincerely dont want me to get busted and want no trouble for me, then you'd have a different approach not true? although if sencerity is present, it is appreciated. I never typed I'd like to be like the fuckin' cartel wit weed, ultimately, I'd just like to set up a growspace with 25 plants and sell that weed...at half price to what it's currently going here (coz if you havnt checked my other threads, weed is as expensive as platinum here) . Mr. green funk, this forum is in place because we disagree with the fact that cannabis is illegal, now we could sit here till the cows come home arguing whether selling is a bad or good (helpful, neighborly,) but you know, at the end of it all we'd just realise that it's all just opinions...biased opinions