kids and flavored tobacco products

Total Head

Well-Known Member
are people/kids really smoking game blunts out of the package?

i just saw a goofy story on the local news about how the sharp decline in underage smokers has leveled off, and they are blaming flavored cigars.

the news guy was holding a dutchmaster and a game blunt and was rambling about how kids are buying these things because they are cheaper than cigarettes. then they showed footage of people smoking cigars. they interviewed high school kids and the kids seemed to agree that people are actually smoking these things. the whole thing was about targeting kids and how the cigars have managed to escape all the tax hikes that make butts so expensive.

i thought people were just rolling blunts with them. single sale cigars are now outlawed in the city of boston, and now they are going after flavored cigars, because of "the kids".

is it a conspiracy by squares who don't realize people of all ages smoke cannablunts, or is this an actual issue?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I still can't believe people sully their weed with tabacco. I want it straight, pure, unadulterated and in a big tasty joint. I say joint since I haven't tried a vap yet.


Active Member
Being from the UK I don't understand the whole blunt thing, you guys get confused with Europeans mixing it with tobacco but cigars are made from rougher tobacco,surely you want to just get a rizla/rolling paper and a roach and fill that with some nice pure dank?,don't get me wrong I mixed weed with tobacco for ages,


Active Member
Yeah I fixed the error of my ways last year,now smoke pures or real blunts,not philly cigar blunts, I actually smoke less though I use more per each smoke,and tastes better and I feel much better for it,mixing weed with tobacco is like mixing a fine whiskey with cola,you just shouldnt do it :D

I still can't believe people sully their weed with tabacco. I want it straight, pure, unadulterated and in a big tasty joint. I say joint since I haven't tried a vap yet.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Want to 'like' that.
Yeah I fixed the error of my ways last year,now smoke pures or real blunts,not philly cigar blunts, I actually smoke less though I use more per each smoke,and tastes better and I feel much better for it,mixing weed with tobacco is like mixing a fine whiskey with cola,you just shouldnt do it :D


Active Member
Ah the roach makes it easier to roll,gives it a solid foundation,and is mostly habit, still dunno why I do,as I don't share its not likely to get sucked on till its soaked,Also before any one says so Im not a bogart :P I actually just let people make their own smoke instead,as its nicer to smoke your own J :D

Most everyone I know doesn't use roaches and NOBODY mixes their ganja with tobacky. :)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Want to 'like' that too.
Ah the roach makes it easier to roll,gives it a solid foundation,and is mostly habit, still dunno why I do,as I don't share its not likely to get sucked on till its soaked,Also before any one says so Im not a bogart :P I actually just let people make their own smoke instead,as its nicer to smoke your own J :D


Well-Known Member
Well, personally when I go shopping for papers, blunt wraps and things, I am attracted to the colourful packaging and flavoring, but I started out smoking ordinary Golden Virginia in zig zags. I don't ever see young people smoking cigars. I don't ever see older people smoking cigars... The 15 year olds that smoked around me weren't going for the colorful products... I think those who do still only buy things like that once they've smoked for a while and know what they're looking for to experiment with. Still, I grab my blunts and occasionally feel it's a little wrong that all the colorful, tasty things appeal to my 5-year-old inner mentality...

Still, If kids ARE just buying them because they're cheap and flavoured there needs to be a stricter system of sale in place or something I suppose.


Active Member
I'm from the usa, learned to roll from someone from denmark. Honestly when rolling, I prefer to mix. For me it accomplishes two things,

1. Slower burn, less running

2. The effects are a little different then just straight weed

As for the original post, growing up around here everyone bought black and milds as kids, NOT swishers or anything else. As far as I'm concerned you can pick the kids who are likely to pick up smoking out of a line up 9/10 times.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, but this mixing-weed-with-tobacco thing has been debated in countless other threads. I still can't believe kids are just smoking these cigars though.

Edit: Fuck, you guys reply fast... True, it's cheaper for me to buy a roll of Juicy Jay pink raspberry rips that will last me weeks than boring zig zags. As for individual flavored cigar sale, it's less common over here but shiny colorful wraps on the counter are an attention magnet.


I still can't believe people sully their weed with tabacco. I want it straight, pure, unadulterated and in a big tasty joint. I say joint since I haven't tried a vap yet.
Most people around the world ONLY smoke spliffs! Most also believe taking huge bong rips is weird. I got no clue why, but it is what it is. I was in the Caribbean met a lot of smokers and every single one rolled a spliff, same goes in Mexico. Personally I love a bong rip or vap bowl.
Almost forgot... I recently graduated from High School and some kids DID smoke swishers pure! I have taken a drag of one, they are disgusting. I did often buy swishers to roll a blunt though :). It is just fun sometimes to roll a fatty with some friends and kick back...


Active Member
Can tell you as a fact that both of those reasons are not true,
I smoked weed with tobacco for ten years,told myself 3 things,its cheaper this way as it goes further,it burns slower so my J last longer,and the effects are better.
A-you smoke more cus of nicotine,I dont find myself wanting a J straight after finishing one,as I dont have nicotine receptors.
B-Mixing doesnt make it last any longer unless you over dry your weed, personally I keep mine so its still sticky inside n the stalks literally just pop when you snap them,this burns even,and tastes much better as its not over dried out.
C-The effects are no different you are just getting a nicotine rush that makes the high come on quicker,but makes it less long lasting,and means you smoke more while not getting any higher

Trust me I know a year n a half ago I smoked an oz a week,now I have 2 x 0.5 g smokes a nite, that is a 1.25 size paper so smaller than a king but wider and longer than a small,so I now smoke 1/4 of the amount yet get just as high,as you can't get more stoned than a certain Plato level,you just smoke more for the sake of it,

I'm from the usa, learned to roll from someone from denmark. Honestly when rolling, I prefer to mix. For me it accomplishes two things,

1. Slower burn, less running

2. The effects are a little different then just straight weed

As for the original post, growing up around here everyone bought black and milds as kids, NOT swishers or anything else. As far as I'm concerned you can pick the kids who are likely to pick up smoking out of a line up 9/10 times.


Active Member
Can tell you as a fact that both of those reasons are not true,
I smoked weed with tobacco for ten years,told myself 3 things,its cheaper this way as it goes further,it burns slower so my J last longer,and the effects are better.
A-you smoke more cus of nicotine,I dont find myself wanting a J straight after finishing one,as I dont have nicotine receptors.
B-Mixing doesnt make it last any longer unless you over dry your weed, personally I keep mine so its still sticky inside n the stalks literally just pop when you snap them,this burns even,and tastes much better as its not over dried out.
C-The effects are no different you are just getting a nicotine rush that makes the high come on quicker,but makes it less long lasting,and means you smoke more while not getting any higher

Trust me I know a year n a half ago I smoked an oz a week,now I have 2 x 0.5 g smokes a nite, that is a 1.25 size paper so smaller than a king but wider and longer than a small,so I now smoke 1/4 of the amount yet get just as high,as you can't get more stoned than a certain Plato level,you just smoke more for the sake of it,
A lot of the stuff around here is overly dry. When I smoke it's only right before bed, so being able to get a joint to smoke a little longer is nice. Fresher, I don't know from experience since the only time its fresh is festival season here.


Can tell you as a fact that both of those reasons are not true,
I smoked weed with tobacco for ten years,told myself 3 things,its cheaper this way as it goes further,it burns slower so my J last longer,and the effects are better.
A-you smoke more cus of nicotine,I dont find myself wanting a J straight after finishing one,as I dont have nicotine receptors.
B-Mixing doesnt make it last any longer unless you over dry your weed, personally I keep mine so its still sticky inside n the stalks literally just pop when you snap them,this burns even,and tastes much better as its not over dried out.
C-The effects are no different you are just getting a nicotine rush that makes the high come on quicker,but makes it less long lasting,and means you smoke more while not getting any higher

Def. burns slower and therefore makes it last longer. Maybe you just havent smoked a spliff in a while, but it does the job. Also you "C" point is just not true.... The effects ARE different. You are ADDING nicotine, therefore different results. You even said that... sorta.
Dont get me wrong.. i prefer a J, but spliff are real nice. Bob Marley wrote a song called with the lyrics, "Excuse me while i light my spliff". If Bob does it im sure there is some benefits. Disagreeing with that is legit saying you know more about Ganja than Bob Marley, and lets be honest.....
Not sure why that quote isnt working.....


Well-Known Member
The only time I've ever smoked a swisher/cigarillo was when I bought a swisher on vacation but couldn't find bud to fill it with.

Nasty shit!

Although I do enjoy the occasional spliff :joint:


Active Member
Sorry dude,Bob marley never touched tobacco, you need to look up ital living, it means not eating meats,only fish/organic veg etc,no alcohol no poisons your body is a temple kind of thing,so Bob wouldn't take medicine for illnesses yet would smoke a poisonous plant?,trust me coming from some on that knows roots and culture that is not true,spliff can also be a pure,its just Jamaican slang for it ;),that then got passed on to the uk with all our Jamaican immegrants I am very thankful for,can't beat uk dub and jungle music :D