I suggest you make cannabutter pills out of it
get a pan of boiling water. put some sort of tile on the bottom of the pan
balance a sturdy shot-glass so it's edge is just above the water (the water isn't seeping in . . . it's merely there to maintain the boiling temp)
drop the small amount of butter you want to use, then after it melts drop the kief in there.
DO NOT TRY TO STIR. otherwise whatever you used to stir will pick up butter and you will lose some.
since you're working with such small amounts of butter you don't want to lose ANYTHING.
keep the shot glass on the tile in the boiling water bath for 20 mins. after that cool it down in the fridge till its solid.
then load it into those clear food pills (if you don't have any, buy some.)
this is just a cool idea of mine, and I have done it before and it works amazingly well.