Evidently they reinstated him already.i am sad to see him go. i want all uberlibs to keep talking. its the best ammo conservatives have, the words of a lib.
what did msnbc lose? about 3 veiwers maybe?![]()
Ummmmm, Ok?Heres the deal: MSNBC usually supports the Democrats
FoxNews usually supports the Republicans
ESPN usually talks about sports
The Food Network usually talks about recipies
If you want to know what to make for dinner, don't turn on ESPN
If you want to see people get excited about Republicans winning elections, don't turn on MSNBC
He's been reinstated so his suspension is over, he is back to work. It was a direct violation of MSNBC's own rules, rules he could've easily sidestepped but didn't. He also has been harping on Fox's conservative commentators donating to republican candidates for quite some time now. I would say it's what we've come to expect from our celebrities, political figures, sports figures, etc. Not really surprising in the least when you really think about it. MSNBC has indicated with the very short length of the suspension that this type of thing is something that they don't take too seriously apparently. I think Kieth is a funny guy and have been watching him for years as mentioned in my previous posts. I actually am a fan of his, just not his political views.How does this compare to fox news? There are multiple people being paid by Fox News to essentially run for office as Republican candidates. If you count not just their hosts but their contributors, you're looking at a significant portion of the entire Republican lineup of potential contenders for 2012.
I wouldn't call it a laughable implemenatation as much as a laughable duration.it seems to me that MSNBC did this to try and set them apart from fox news and their practices. MSNBC is increasingly gaining the reputation as a liberal fox news. by suspending oberman publicly it seems that they are trying to say "see, we may be biased, but we are still a news organization, not a stump for political parties,movements,or figures to broadcast their agenda." i am not trying to put words in your mouth but it seems that you are saying because of the laughable implementation of this suspension, it de-ligitimizes any message they were trying to send.
youre just mad that americans are getting to know them, and guess what? americans like them. most like them way more than obama. weird huh?How does this compare to fox news? There are multiple people being paid by Fox News to essentially run for office as Republican candidates. If you count not just their hosts but their contributors, you're looking at a significant portion of the entire Republican lineup of potential contenders for 2012.
it seems to me that MSNBC did this to try and set them apart from fox news and their practices. MSNBC is increasingly gaining the reputation as a liberal fox news. by suspending oberman publicly it seems that they are trying to say "see, we may be biased, but we are still a news organization, not a stump for political parties,movements,or figures to broadcast their agenda." i am not trying to put words in your mouth but it seems that you are saying because of the laughable implementation of this suspension, it de-ligitimizes any message they were trying to send.
I wouldn't call it a laughable implemenatation as much as a laughable duration.
De-legitimizes? I don't know if it completely de-legitimizes it, I just think it sends the message that they don't consider it a serious matter. Either way, I'm glad to see him back because I honestly don't think he should've lost his job over it or anything. It seems all too often these days places either completely overreact or underreact to these sorts of things. Truth be told I'd rather see them underreact instead of ruining someone's career and possibly their life over something relatively benign or trivial.![]()
He was not canned. It was all about the money.Ok, so olbermann was canned.
Now, was it because of his donations or did his show just suck?
if he was a talking head on the right, i would call him a 'sell out', rather than 'greedy'. in fact, 'opportunistic' would actually be the right word for it. but i can see how you are simply trying to caricaturize the left, so go ahead. i don't need to make a caricature of most of those on the right, they do that all by themselves *tee hee*He was not canned. It was all about the money.
The way way I understand it, he has a habit of threatening to quit every time his contract is up. MSNBC thought that is what this was, but what they did not figure on was that he has a new agent.
When the network did not meet his salary demands, the new agent was not fucking around. Nobody saw it coming. Apparently his staff discovered it when he announced it on the air.
I think it would be awesome if Fox would make him an offer.
If this talking head was on the Right, how many on the Left would add the adjective 'Greedy' before his name?
preface: i do not like most of the people on msnbc. i can not stand schultz or matthews, and only occasionally watch more than a few minutes of maddow.Ok, so olbermann was canned.
Now, was it because of his donations or did his show just suck?
I don't know this 'mr.show' of which you speak.if he was a talking head on the right, i would call him a 'sell out', rather than 'greedy'. in fact, 'opportunistic' would actually be the right word for it. but i can see how you are simply trying to caricaturize the left, so go ahead. i don't need to make a caricature of most of those on the right, they do that all by themselves *tee hee*
but not you, you are one of the good ones, meep moop (note the reference to 'mr. show', which you should watch).
i heard it may have something to do with the nbc/comcast merger as well. ah, i'll just go check huffpo. quite a mystery and very sudden though. he even has to stay off the air for an entire year. strange.
lol!He had 2 years on his contract left, so wherever you heard this was a negotiation ploy lied to you. And where did you get this "he has a new agent"? This has everything to do with Comcast and their recently approved buyout of NBC (including MSNBC). He was the highest rated show on MSNBC. In addition because of the terms of his contract buyout he has a non-compete for 1 year. Im not sure if he can blog or not though. Ill be watching DailyKos because he is a regular contributor there.
They have hated him for ages (senior management) because they are all rightists (especially the new Comcast boys) and he was a reasonable and respectable voice from the left. Now all that is left is Cenk (who is not reasonable, and loves attacking Obama) from the Young Turks and Lawrence O'Donnell who can put you to sleep with a single monologue. So best voice on the left on the only station left that even has a left...gone and replaced with crap. So much for the so called "liberal media". Fox News is so far to the right they donate to the GOP and dont even bat an eye (literally News Corps donated a ton of money to the RNC last election..didnt even cover it on their station). CNN is pure garbage. MSNBC is being dismantled and the Right Wing will shortly run all media on TV. Another reason to cut the cord.