Kill everything in soil?


Active Member
Hey, so i'm finishing my first ever grow, everything went okay, sometimes I used too much nutes, sometimes I overwatered but I got the hang of it

only problem is these damn fucking fungus gnats, it turned out my soil was obviously ridden with these little bastards, I got a fly zapper but that only helps kill the most of them...

I have 3 more 50 litre bags of soil which are unopened and I want to get rid of all my current soil as the gnats are in it

But how can I make sure the next bags I use wont have hundreds of these bastards in again?

I heard that you can cook soil to kill everything living inside of it, are there any other methods?

Thanks - Sp32


ahh man same problem here, those lil sneaky gnatsnu know what they do? they go in ur soil and lay eggs and when u water it and get the soil moist boom there eggs hatch then they lay eggs, what cha need to do is let ur soil dry for a lil bit like a week or so they jus use a squirt bottle to water them girls


Well-Known Member
Microwaving or cooking the soil does work, but it will stink your house up like mud.
You could flush with boiling hot water. You could also freeze you soil. All of this is fine for small quantities.

Another natural remedy you could try is to shred up pyrethren daisies and mix them with the soil. Bugs dont like them one bit.


Active Member
You have to treat your soil.Those nats lay eggs in the soil and larvy eat at the roots.Go roots works for me.Put some right threw your water every so often.


Active Member
lol wow, the most input i've got from a thread..

Okay I already have diatamaceous earth, I put that on the top of my soil whilst my plant was in so I didn't mix up with the soil, but when I water it turns the soil cementy so I never used it again..

Best Option I can see so far is the boiling water option, I will definately try this

My soil is a very decent from what i've read online, it's called: biobizz all mix