
Well-Known Member
After several attemps and only 1 good full grow (my first) its time to jynx myself again and say im this >< close to success and owe it all to the RIU guru's.
These "widow" clones are about 4-5wks into 12/12.My learning curves and 2wk veg time kept them kinda skrawny but I think the final result will be delightful.
Im not so much the "journalist" as I am just giving back back to the community ideas and most of all "budporn".Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Next to my tent is my crude veg chamber running 2 150w cfl's and im gunna throw in a couple reg tube style florescents once they get going.I am hoping for 6 ladies outa these babies for the next grow.

?'s = 8 out of 8 bagseeds from dank
B's = 4 out of 6 Big Bud CA Bean Bank Seeds
Day 1 18/6



Well-Known Member
Shots from this mornings drool sesh.Starting to get blurry now ;)
I was thinking I was 4-5 wks but now im wondering if im more like 5-6???
*Note to self*Must remember to wite shit down!



Well-Known Member
day 9

1 of the 8 bagseeds as you can see is way bigger than the others,hope itsa a her.I can see some yellowing beginning all ready.I was gunna wait to feed them for a couple weeks but now im debating,whatya all think?They only get watered when needed so really theyve only been watered a couple times each in 9 days.They are in ff soil under 2 150w cfl's @ 18/6 (for now).Im flushing my WW's now so in a week or so they will be going in the tent with 600w mh.I will be using the ff nutes 1/4 strength to start.



Well-Known Member

I think some of the babies are getting worse.Growth appears to be slowing for the ones in question and are a little more yellowish today and now they appear to have the droop syndrome or rather the leaves are forming a dome shape with the leave tips pointing down as if they were in a dark period.Im letting them dry between waterings but maybe not enough.I dont want them to get to the wilting point do I?Ph is 6.5ish and no nutes yet,still debating.A few of them seem to be thriving.More light,less light,father from the light,shoot myself now?:wall:


Well-Known Member

Well after going back and re-reading a million posts for the millionth time I realized my babies were to close to the cfl's and now after a few days of being 8" away,they are starting to get the greener looking color and now the leaves on the new growth is beginning to point up again.I guess what I learned is what has worked for others didnt work for me and by making what some call minor,and what others would call major,adjustments solved the problem.I know im far from harvest but I will take anything positive at this point.Im thinking about giving them another week or so to see how they do till I start 1/4 strength ff nutes.
On a side note,My WW's are this>< close to harvest.Im on my 2nd flush w/molasses now and they are just thick and dense with resin.So heavy that its difficult to tell if they need water.All the buds need support now and the smell when I open the tent is out of this world.I took a sample bud from one of my tops before the flush and have cured it.I sampled it last night after work and I could not believe how smooth and potent it is.Normally im tossin down the norcos or vicoden for my pain but after 10 minutes it was all good.Im only seeing about 5-10% amber ,all cloudy trichs.Im thinking any day now.Sad thing is there is only 4 smaller plants so ill be lucky to get an ounce,but the best ounce ive ever smoked and all home grown baby!This would be like my fourth grow,first one was the only real success.The last 3 ive dealt with mold,mites and hermies.For a while there I was thinking it was all I could grow but now have a new hope.I really appreciate it RIU'ers,you guys seriously know your green.Mad love to all.



Well-Known Member
after a cpl weeks of drying and curing i ended up with just about 80 grams.not to shabby.i consider this run a success but not with lessons learned.the smoke is not the best but im getting closer to what i mites or mold was my goal since ive battled with them the last few grows and lost but not this time ;) thanx riu knowledge guru's.
i also went to home depot for the diy honey oil extraction and OMG,good stuff....lolz



Well-Known Member
update on my little ones.i finally got my 600 conv mh and its doing wonders.a few of them are still struggling but others are snapping out.i think im gunna be veggin a while.the lower 4 are the big bud from the ca seed bank and the rest bag including that top left one,hope shes a she.



Well-Known Member
I dont bite.


My seed experiment didnt go so well and needs some work so ill stick with clones.I did manage to keep 2 alive,1 bag which the other day started showing her hairs and 1 BigBud that aint so big but she's also a she and starting to snap out of it.I realized with the colder weather my temps got to low so I had to switch the cooltube out with my other reflecter.That got my temps back up.My Humidity levels in this room were to low,got the Co2 and it brought it up some but then I thought why not run a couple waterfarms and BAM,50% now.I know ill hafta watch it later and have a dehumidifier just in case.So I think ive got my enviroment dealt with now that the cold weather is here.Ill have to change it all back as soon as temps start changing again.
In the farms I have 1 Pineapple Kush and 1 Mendocino Kush.They are only 1 week old from clones and have doubled in size.They were even in soil that I had to wash off to put in the expanded clay.I thought I would deal with shock but instead they thrived.Im using 1/4 strength GH nutes with a 5.5 ph and about a 400 ppm right now and they are drinking up.I dont think im going to top any of these this time but instead will train and bend them,whatever thats called...sog,scrog,fim,?
In the soil ive got 1 green crack and 1 G-13.Ive got more watrerfarms but I have high humidity problems and it will haunt me later so i figure if I run soil for a few plants I will have a little more control.FF nutes for these babies.
I also found flies and started spraying them with a mild soapy neem solution and they are loving it.I will apply this for the next few weeks every few days.I plan on vegging these a little while this time instead of jumping to 12/12 right away.
Im getting there one way or another.Comments and general schoolling encouraged.



Well-Known Member
Its flower time!

The waterfarms are kicking ass all over my dirt and the humidity hasnt gone over 50%.When I had 6 wf's going the humidity was to much so I think I will be just sticking with 2 in my tent with 1 or 2 in soil which should,in time,get me a few oz's per grow.Im also considering using FF light warrior soil instead of the ocean forest for my clones and seeds next time cuz im pretty sure things got to "hot" for them.They are still hanging in there barely.My green crack is greening up on all the yellow leaves after I flushed her but she is still far from normal.Im wondering if I should just kill the 3 in soil and just work with the 2 farms???Any thoughts from anyone?Or should I let them try and bud and see what happens?Worse case Ive got bubble bags but im worried that what might be bothering them might get worse or even worse cause problems for my waterfarm plants.If the problem with the soil plants are in the soil like with deficiencies,can they still infect plants in my waterfarms?
2 days ago I switched to 12/12....w00t.The pineapple kush was starting to get a bit tall on the main stem so I decided to try my hand at a little bending.I think im ok but where the bend was nice and roundish,now has a bend/kink/fold and am wondering what effects I may have with it.There is still lots of new growth coming out that doesnt look effected and the rest of the branches have formed a nice canopy.......thanks RIU posters for the tips in advance should I done good!The mendo kush is just a dang bush and looks like it will have a few colas and bud sites but is staying shorter.Should the main cola on her stretch Im think i will bend her to.Next round im all for a little LST I think to keep this from happening since id rather not TOP or FIM.With the light change ive also stepped up my nutes and am close to the 900 ppm range at just about 4 weeks.Temps 80/60 RH 30-50% and the C02 is a flowing!
I know this is probably a bad idea but thought Id ask...I started with GH 3 part nutes and the following week did a fox farm nute change and on 3rd week went back to GH.Will this mess up feeding cycles or give them a little bit of both worlds?The plants seem to like it now but im thinking weeks down the road.As you can tell im still a major newb and in experimenting mode.Ive failed so many times I need to find a happy zone to all of this and little confidence to what I am doing but im having fun doing it.All suggestions or ideas will be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Im not really a killer......unless my freezer is empty and I have an 80lb sturgeon on board ;) I was wondering if I could get an ataboy or youradumbassrookienewbthatsneeds2stfu&grow,either will do nicely but on to my update to myself.....

Soil plants=a month and some since seed,snapping back from certain death (kinda)that ive issued a bailout plan for and will see if they produce anything.

Hydro=looking better everyday but still have no idea if im heading for disaster.Im constantly reading new posts and re-reading old ones keeping myself well and informed and majorly confused but totally diggin it.
I finally got the mylar up and think the ladies love it.They are in serious stretch mode now and beginning early stages of bud forming I hope.Im only 5 days into 12/12 so well see.The bend on the mendo kush seems ok so far.The main cola isnt stretchin like the others and looks to be forming its bud.Im still not sure to leave the other one alone or get to bending,help me decide please.They got thier first dose of open sesame with a nute and week change.Im thinking of running this mix a cpl times,flush,then start the full flower cycle.Hows the root ball looking?They were all white until last nights nute change but the mix itself was almost this color unlike what its been.

So I took some cuttings a week ago,dipped'em in gel and stuckem in these cubs and put a dome on.They are still alive!So ima see if I can root them and if so try my luck at this diy 3 gal dwc thingy I made at wrk thnx to RIU and that digg dood that I hope to +rep if im allowed and if I can figure it out.

While admiring my girls I realized the file cab my clones sit on could make for a base for my tub if it was opened on top.Im gunna cut a hole in the cardboard for now but replace w/plastic for the top that hold the lights....and im thinkin this might fit nicely in the opposite corner....project time.Just retuning the love.



Well-Known Member
So im getting close to a month of twelve's.....

no bugs,no mold i think partly due to the prevention spraying of the neem oil early on as well as having the temps and humidity at better levels.The buds seem to be developing nicely due to the longer veg time I did which helped with major roots and trying the FF supplements this time and WOW.I was getting worried about not seeing any trichs developing but within the past week it seems ive gotten my first frosting ;) so things are looking good.Reps to everyone on RIU for thier posts and knowledge they share with us less educated in growing mary and for personaly helping me fight my pain with the hopes of not having to pay for it one day.
I got a ways to go yet but cheers!



Well-Known Member
I quit tracking days since its only an estimate and things seems to flow better and I can just keep and eye on the trichs but id say I may have a few weeks left.
I think im done with mold and mite, along with keeping a nice enviroment, problems with this tent and neem oil in veg stage :clap:
Once summer hits then ill have to add the cooltube back and play with the temps to keep a nice envirmoent then as well but I have a few to put outside now.
Im still loosing the root game I think.Not getting worse (slimey or smelly) but not getting white or adding a whole lot of new growth,yet.Im wondering if its becuz they are in bloom.The flushes seems to be whats keeping them going but PH still vexes me.
Im going to make a couple 5 gallong buckets for next round so the roots have more room and nuts to work with which might also help in my PH flux's,that and trying something other than the GH 3 part.

Im hopeing not to be the only post on RIU with no reply other than my own but such is life.Mad thanx again to all who have posted what they know and not what they hear!Cheers!



Well-Known Member
man nice work. not much response from anyone but i've certainly enjoyed your thread.
how long did you veg for? how are you finding odour control with your tent?


Well-Known Member
no f-in way.......its alive!....lolz

thnx for the very kind words.truth is ive done maybe 5 grows with only my first being really just trying to find the cheapest,most inexpensive route to growing my 6 and the tent seemed the best way for me.

the odor isnt so bad but i built a scrubber i got from the DIY section in here that works great.I have my exhaust fan on top of my tent sucking everything through it and force it up into the atic so even without the scrubber the smell is minimal.of course i havent got a whole bunch of stinky plants to push the envelope yet but im working on it ;)

now summer is here im planning to put 3 outside in the back yard and play with 3 in the tent and get them real big before i force flower them,wish me luck.

this last batch i vegged for about a month,the hydros that is.they got some root thing and hermied out so i made butter.the 3 scrappy ones from seed vegged a little longer but were stunted in growth but ended up finishing flower.the green crack even turned a little purple and kicked my butt!

mad luck to you bro and thanx again for stopping by!



Well-Known Member
lol phxfire.......this thread is dead,well kinda until you brought it back to life.That had been my last grow in sacramento before I moved out here.The first pic was the results,not that great so I chalked it up as another learning curve.grow 043.jpg I had to chop most of my outdoor ladies early due to the damn bud worms that got to them which I could never get control of.Then my health got real bad everything went downhill from there.
Fast forward to last week when I got the ok to set my tent up,with the major props to irieie, I was able to get things going again.He supplied me with a few white dominas and a couple diesels....whooohooo! As of today my girlies have been under 600w mh for 7 days.They are still in their dixie cups but will be getting them into 1 gal in the next couple of days when I can scrounge up enough for soil and perilite.Sucks not having any income while waiting on a SSDI case and not having "meds" and forced to take that prescribed crap.So believe me when say I can feel every minute it takes to grow a crop.I remember the days of my youth hopping the neighbors fence to chop fan leaves to microwave and smoke up....lolz,but rest assured, these babies are quite safe for now.
Not much to report in the first week except trying to remember everything and re-researching stuff.One of my babies is showing some yellowing on its older set of leaves,but new growth looks good,so im betting it was from watering before I got my ph down.The water up here has a ph of 7 - 7.1 and ppm of 360ish.It may take a while to get a few 5 gal water jugs and cash to hit the store so im kinda stuck with it.At least I dont have to worry about nutrients for a while cuz I will be going with FF ocean forest and perilite.I think im going to keep one of the white dominas for a mom since it was kinda hectic finding the clones and getting down to the valley to pick them up.I plan on vegging these girls a few more weeks before I make the switch and pull one of the dominas out.I just got done making one hell of a ghetto veg room outa pvc,some old florescents and a tarp so will have a place for her when the time comes.Id put her and my other veggies outside but the nights are still to damn cold yet.We usually have to wait until the middle of may to avoid any frost issues.Hell the weather guy is saying possible snow up here this weekend....lolz.Anyways thx for peeping out my thread.I guess ill just keep adding to this and making one big ass life long grow journal,after all im just killing time,cheers!
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