
Well-Known Member
looking good bro i would transplant those clones. they look like they are ready to stretch their roots.


Well-Known Member
You aint kidding.they were getting kinda root bound at the bottom except one of the diesels,the one with yellowing leaves wasnt even close as the others.She only had roots to half of the solo cup.Ill call her the runt lolz.They all got upgraded to 1 gal today and look happy as fuck.When I had the tent opened during transplanting my high temps dropped from 81 down to 76 so guess ill be keeping it opened from now on.I guess you need ac for a closed tent to work properly.Ill take some more pix in a week or so bro so take it ez!


Well-Known Member
quick update.....
The one yellowing is back to normal,yay!its only been a week but they have taken off.The white domina's look like they are going to be bushy bitches cuz they have many node braches compared to the diesels.I had grown a couple in the past that were thin on branch sites but it made up in the end with giant tight buds so well see.
I have a couple questions.If a strain is 9 weeks,is that 9 weeks from the 12/12 switch?Also our water up here is hard as fuck.The ph is 7 but tds is 360.I dont have the means to get the water from the front of the store yet through those water machines but we have 2 big ass (200 gal) under ground plastic storage tanks that gather rain water.The tops of them are slightly exposed so there is a little algae.The ph is 6.8 but the tds is only 40.How would this be for my babies if ph'd correctly?I filled up a clean plastic 55 gal drum with it and wheeled it in the garage to warm since it was only 50* lolz.Heres some pix for now....pix 003.jpgpix 004.jpgpix 005.jpgpix 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro. I would say you are good with that rain water, the tap water down here is closer to 650 that's why we don't use it. The white domina branches a lot and the diesel grows more like a kush I am flowering them now and they look super good. Ill probably post pics on hydrobreed. Looking good man keep it up.
Oh and yes 9 weeks is from switching lighting to 12/12


Well-Known Member
thx bro , i appreciate it.Im thinking on making the switch within a couple weeks.Id like these to get nice root balls before I throw then in 5 gal's.Do you think 2 weeks will do it?If those cuttings were only a week or so old and they had that kind of root mass in the solo cups im thinking so.I like them bushy but in that tent it can get kind of crowded and restrict air flow so the sooner the better.Ill worry about yeild the next few rounds if possible.I think me and pops are heading down for the 420 deal at the park,you gunna b there?Ive been outa meds a while now and plan on hitting cannapassion up unless there will better options,any thoughts?Looking forward to your pics and will hit you up over there.Peace!


Well-Known Member
thx bro , i appreciate it.Im thinking on making the switch within a couple weeks.Id like these to get nice root balls before I throw then in 5 gal's.Do you think 2 weeks will do it?If those cuttings were only a week or so old and they had that kind of root mass in the solo cups im thinking so.I like them bushy but in that tent it can get kind of crowded and restrict air flow so the sooner the better.Ill worry about yeild the next few rounds if possible.I think me and pops are heading down for the 420 deal at the park,you gunna b there?Ive been outa meds a while now and plan on hitting cannapassion up unless there will better options,any thoughts?Looking forward to your pics and will hit you up over there.Peace!
i have some edibles and jilly bean clones available. i dont think ill make it to the park, i have family coming to visit. i would say two weeks is good for the 1 gallon. as long as they are getting good light and growing i would wait to transplant. with the white domina i definitely suggest removing all the lower growth as there is a lot of it. here is a few pics of my trainwreck, white domina and diesel all in week 2 of flower. the trainwreck is the one in the fron the diesel the one in the back left and the WD in the back right.



Well-Known Member
The WD looks shorter than the others and the diesel looks taller than the rest,is that kinda how they grow or just how they ended up?Either way they look beautiful bro,way nice!That one in the first pic on the right front has a mean trunk lol,beastly.I dont think ill be needing clones for a while,in fact I may keep one of the WD for mothering my next batch but am still debating.I may not have another grow if we get a damn dispensary up here so I might just keep her in with the rest.My card expires in sept but pops's is good till january next year so were good at least until then.Crossing my fingers that I can renew before the shit hits the fan.Ive never removed any growth before,not even fan leaves so when the time comes I may have you look at new pix to help me decide where to chop if thats ok.
Bummer you wont be there as I dont know anyone but you but I understand and kicking it with family is always a good thing.Im sure ill meet up with some hydrobreeders like DC which will be kewl.I love to get face to face 411,sometimes these forums are just to black and white if you catch my drift.I have yet to eat a medible that works.I know its a completely different feeling but id like to feel something.I cant eat chocolate to much and have sugar intolerance's but would munch on something if smoking wasnt permited or possible.Ive also wondered about baking with cannabis.Ive read many posts on it and see many opinions but at what temp do you bake?I know vaporizers vape in the high 200's like 275 you would need to bake at low temps for longer periods as not to loose potency which seems to my problem im thinking.I cant wait to try it with some of my trim.I have a set of 5 gal bubble bags for bubble hash but ive seen posts where dry ice makes nice keif so im on the fence with it.Unless I see someone posting on HB with extra meds ill be hitting up cannapassion which doesnt seem that far from the park :weed:.To bad the farmers market wasnt on the same day....oh well thx again bro and take it ez!


Well-Known Member
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Well its been a little over a week and I think things are were they should be.They have had their first feeding at a 1/4 strength and im thinking bout putting them into 5's and making the switch in a week or so.The weather has gotten nicer up here and ive started throwing together my outside garden so there is more room in the tent.Im still dealing with high temps to 82.Once I make the switch they will be getting a nice cool down break until I can get another can fan to suck some outside air in to the tent.You can totally tell the shorter fatter diesels from the WD's and im starting to smell them,good sign!
My outside garden is comming along.This year instead of using up my valuable raised bed space with my tomatoes im trying that technology with 5 gallon buckets with the bottoms cut out,filled with good soil,and 3' of the ground beneath mixed up with good soil.Should get me some monsters.I got spinach,lettuce,cauliflower and cabbage in 1 of my raised beds for now but soon getting replaced with squash's pepper's radish's cucumber's .. ect as well as a little space in the backyard for cilantro, tomatilo carrots corn and what ever else I can fit in.Peace!pix 035.jpgpix 040.jpgpix 044.jpgpix 046.jpgpix 047.jpgpix 019.jpgpix 038.jpgpix 042.jpg



Well-Known Member
Thx bro.My girls are outa puberty now and in 5's and im gunna make the switch in a couple days.I couldnt believe how much rooted they were in the 1's for only being in there a couple weeks.The diesels are really stout,thick trucks and big dark green leaves and much fatter and thicker leaves.The WD's leaves seem much thinner and smaller and seem more frail.Some leaves looked a little veiny like its not getting something and the ph has been right on so I got some calmag to spice things up little.They looked much better.pix 048.jpgpix 051.jpgpix 052.jpgpix 053.jpgpix 054.jpgpix 055.jpgpix 056.jpgpix 057.jpg
My homeade hydro bubble tub with tomatoes is doing awesome,I threw a bell pepper in it for fun.Im thinking about putting this outside in a few weeks.Peace.


Well-Known Member
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Almost a week into flower now..8 more to go lolz and as you can see I switched out the MH for HPS.They are starting to get their drink on and are taking the nutes well as I increase the amount.I thinned out the bottom a little and got some clones for the next round or maybe to trade with someone for another strain.I can definitely smell the smell now and it will only get stronger.The bad news is I lost my mini tub to root rot like I figured being as small as it is.I cant wait till I can get some bigger trays and reservoirs,chillers to do it right!I did however and throw in some 3% peroxide for shits and giggles and it did start to break the rot up and new white root growth but I didnt want to deal with it so put the tomatoes and peppers in my garden which is coming together nicely.Ill take some more pics in a week or so.peas and carrots


Well-Known Member
All looking pretty sweet. The diesel.will take on this really lemony og smell to it and the WD will be real fruity like berries. The WD will develop faster as well the both like to eat a good amount but should not stretch that much. I look forward to seeing how they turn out. Keep up the great grow you got.


Well-Known Member
thx bro,i really appreciate it and if it werent for you I might not even have a grow for meds to kill my pain.the wd are ahead I think but have stretched way more than the d's,they are short stocky little bitches ;) and they all have really nice trunks but I still cross my fingers and all that.My troubles seem to always happen around week 6 and 7....the last cpl grows some had hermed on me so well see.I hope things are well on your side.


Well-Known Member
thx bro,i really appreciate it and if it werent for you I might not even have a grow for meds to kill my pain.the wd are ahead I think but have stretched way more than the d's,they are short stocky little bitches ;) and they all have really nice trunks but I still cross my fingers and all that.My troubles seem to always happen around week 6 and 7....the last cpl grows some had hermed on me so well see.I hope things are well on your side.
Shit is going down here. I am just starting week 7 on my diesel trainwreck and white domina grow. The diesel smells sooo strongly of lemons and the white domina is the most resinuos of the three and the fastest developer. Probably be done in 8 weeks. I am so happy that I was able to provide you with clones and get your grow going to help with your pain. I always think that a natural pain medication that you can produce yourself, is not physically addictive and does not cost much is always better than prescription opiates. I also think that bringing life from the ground has its own therapeutic benefits and can be quite rewarding. Glad I could help you out it feels good knowing that I truly helped someone who needed it. As far as these strains go, they all seem to be super stable. I have not seen any signs of hermie at all. Let me know if I can help you out in any way. Just pm me so its not here for the world to see. Peace and keep up the sweet grow.


Well-Known Member
Day 19 and so far so good,kinda.My stupid PH pen gets moldy cuz I keep a little wet towel in the cap of the pen to keep it from drying out.Well when I cleaned it and re-calibrated it and made a fresh batch I noticed the PH was much lower and had to add PH up when all this time ive been having to add a little PH down :( so not sure what right.I have new calibrating solution so am sticking with what it is now by adding a little PH up.Im guessing and hoping that anyone else who uses the FF lineup that they need to up the PH also.The only thing ive noticed so far are some rust looking blotches on a few of the older fan leaves and the white hairs on a few popcorn bud areas look either burnt or shriveled.I use one of those moisture meters that has light and PH readings and the PH never seems to look right,anyone know of the accuracy on those and the best way to use them or a better way to test soil PH?Most all of my white domina clones made it but none of the diesels,they must be sensitive.I have one clone that thinks she is a bean stalk so im going to try my hand at this LST thing.Im starting to see frost!


Well-Known Member
hey thx for checking out my thread!The last cpl grows I had done had similar results,the bud looked great until I dried it and not as much as I thought I would get.These babies are just starting but it wont be long until they do fatten up.I just started the tiger bloom and open sesame and can see almost immediate results!Good luck in yer grow and post up a link on yer grow if you got one.


Well-Known Member
day 21 and still have my fingers crossed.Temps are getting up to 86 with no way to really fix it being as broke as I am.2 weeks till I hear if I win my SSD case and if so then first thing will be a portable AC and a bigger can fan,thats the bad.The good is I dont think my PH problem has affected my ladies to much thanx 2 buddah (bud god ;)They are really starting to get their stink on and the frost gets thicker by the day whoray!On a side note my veggie garden is starting to take off and I already have some tomatoes on the vine,they get my leftover nutes and drainage,mmmmmmm nutes and drainage.If no one has checked out my vids of hedpe I HIGHly suggest you take them for a test drive as you surely will not be disapointed and im sorry for calling any one shirley.On with the bud pron....0523-11.jpg0523-1.jpg0523-2.jpg0523-4.jpg0523-5.jpg0523-6.jpg0523-7.jpg0523-8.jpg0523-9.jpg0523-10.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro. You are lucky its been in the triple digits here consistently. Must be cool up there huh?