Killing Fields photo set- Blue/Purple Pheno


Active Member
One of the big advantages to growing individual plants (instead of large herds) is the opportunity to be very selective. I chose this breed of plant because it's reputation for showing some breathtaking phenol-types. I only ordered two femenized seeds from this breeder and the very first one that germinated is this now 45-day old Killing Fields F1. This is being grown in soil using a passive wicking system under 130w CFL's in a 2x2x4 grown cabinet. The passive wicking system is simply a 12" diameter x 6" deep dish with soil and a large, rolled-up microfiber towel poking through the bottom aprox. 3". The wick comes up into the potting dish aprox. 2". The dish sits on top of a small bucket filled with rain water, the wick dips into the water aprox. 2". This keeps the perched water table out of the root zone by providing enough wicking to pull excess moisture out of the soil while maintaining enough capillary action to keep the soil perfectly moist. No root rot ever. The inside of the dish is coated with a thick coating of MicroKote for root-tip pruning making for a massive, super-fine root system. She's currently drinking around 200-300ml per day which I find to be quite fascinating. I know there's no evaporation occurring because the water is not exposed to light or air meaning anything lost from the reservoir is being taken up by the plant. To me, that seems like a lot of uptake going on for one plant compared to others I've grown like this. This tells me the root system is in it's perfect environment. Hopefully, I can keep her healthy all the way through flower because I think the display is just getting started, she's only in her 4th week of flower. I'll continue to post pics as she moves along if you guys and gals are interested. I shouldn't have a problem getting a few pics up once a week. Anybody interested in seeing the rest of this grow?



Active Member
A little photo disclaimer, if you will: No, these have not been 'Photoshopped'. The only post-processing done was some minor cropping and a levels adjustment. The close-ups were done using a very old Nikon manual focus lens attached to a set of extension tubes modified to fit my Nikon D80. The extension tubes give me a range of focus so minimal that it's almost impossible to decide what to focus on. Another cool side effect is the distortion that comes from moving the lens so far away from the focal plane on the camera. It's really evident in the second close-up shot, the background is almost completely gone. The colors you're seeing are the actual colors of the plant, I didn't change anything. At this stage of flowering it's tough to see the colors near the bud sites, hence the close-up shots.


Active Member
Don't get me wrong, I love my post-processing! These photos have been 'manipulated', as it were. I can't wait to shoot some really nice buds in the next coming weeks, gives me something to play with while at work.



Well-Known Member
Yep KF turns colors EARLY and fully. It is easily the most purple strain I have grown. I have seen nothing but purple. Not just the leaves like a lot of so-called purple strains, the calyxes are purple. In fact I have had several phenos with dark purple buds and solid green leaves.


Active Member
Yep KF turns colors EARLY and fully. It is easily the most purple strain I have grown. I have seen nothing but purple. Not just the leaves like a lot of so-called purple strains, the calyxes are purple. In fact I have had several phenos with dark purple buds and solid green leaves.
I'm in love with her already, can't wait to watch the show. It's nice not having to fuss with a whole bunch of plants, this one will get all my attention for the next 6-8 weeks. So Althor, do tell. How long did you veg/flower your KF's? What can I expect? More importantly, how was the smoke?


Well-Known Member
Yep KF turns colors EARLY and fully. It is easily the most purple strain I have grown. I have seen nothing but purple. Not just the leaves like a lot of so-called purple strains, the calyxes are purple. In fact I have had several phenos with dark purple buds and solid green leaves.
I got one green phenotype in 5 females. But yeah. None of them had purple leaves. The rest were purple. Some were lighter shades, some darker. The best being a very light purple that was ridiculously frost covered.

I didn't like every phenotype. Some were definitely not keepers. The keeper is a great one though. Mega yielding too.

For the OP: Smoke was very clear headed and anti anxiety (unlike some sativa dominants) with trippy effects becoming more pronounced in high doses. Can make you have giggle fits too although this is rare for me.


Active Member
I got one green phenotype in 5 females. But yeah. None of them had purple leaves. The rest were purple. Some were lighter shades, some darker. The best being a very light purple that was ridiculously frost covered.

I didn't like every phenotype. Some were definitely not keepers. The keeper is a great one though. Mega yielding too.

For the OP: Smoke was very clear headed and anti anxiety (unlike some sativa dominants) with trippy effects becoming more pronounced in high doses. Can make you have giggle fits too although this is rare for me.
Sounds like my kind of smoke. I very much miss the sativa from Mexico that used to be common around here in the late 70's. Most of it seemed to have a ton of seeds and stems but the buzz was always uplifting, giggly and made colors really stand out when I was stoned. A lot of the stuff around these days is more 'designer' weed focusing on a few traits of multiple strains to tailor the high and grow characteristics to specific demands. I'm hoping the KF can deliver something close to the buzz I'm after. Your description of the smoke sounds damn close to what I I don't remember.


Well-Known Member
OGEvil summed it up. I would like to add, one of my favorite thing about the plant was I smoked on it every day for about 3 months and I was still getting high every time I smoked it.. Let me clarify, I didn't smoke it exclusively, I use it for daytime smoke. So a few bowl hits during the day and each time a few hits got me buzzed 3 months after I started smoking it.


Active Member
OGEvil summed it up. I would like to add, one of my favorite thing about the plant was I smoked on it every day for about 3 months and I was still getting high every time I smoked it.. Let me clarify, I didn't smoke it exclusively, I use it for daytime smoke. So a few bowl hits during the day and each time a few hits got me buzzed 3 months after I started smoking it.
Cool, that's what I'm looking for. I don't smoke pure indicas because I'm too old to handle the sledgehammer-like effect most of the good ones have. My free time is very limited so when I do get to use it for what I want, I have to stay focused and productive. Sometimes I have to forego smoking anything until I've convinced myself I've been productive enough to warrant a couple good tokes. It's my self-policing system for not becoming a total burnout. I do love a good, hard-hitting indica for pain management and a good nights sleep.


Active Member
Glad I shot these photos when I did, the cold did a number on the Killing Fields last night. She doesn't look so great this morning. I tried like hell to keep her warm overnight but to no avail. Low temps hit -17 sometime this morning and my grow area dipped below 30. All the leaves shriveled up and the water reservoir was frozen. Not sure I can save her, don't really know what to do for her. Once the lights came back on this morning the temps got back up to where they should be but I'm afraid the damage is done. The flowers really don't look too bad and the foliage surrounding the bud sites looks okay. The leaves on lower branches took it the hardest. I removed some of the dead stuff but I hate to cause any more trauma so I think I'll just see how it rebounds in the next couple days. More brutal low temps again tonight so I think I'll just leave the damn lights on overnight. Anybody know how to bring a plant back from frostbite? What a bummer



Well-Known Member
Glad I shot these photos when I did, the cold did a number on the Killing Fields last night. She doesn't look so great this morning. I tried like hell to keep her warm overnight but to no avail. Low temps hit -17 sometime this morning and my grow area dipped below 30. All the leaves shriveled up and the water reservoir was frozen. Not sure I can save her, don't really know what to do for her. Once the lights came back on this morning the temps got back up to where they should be but I'm afraid the damage is done. The flowers really don't look too bad and the foliage surrounding the bud sites looks okay. The leaves on lower branches took it the hardest. I removed some of the dead stuff but I hate to cause any more trauma so I think I'll just see how it rebounds in the next couple days. More brutal low temps again tonight so I think I'll just leave the damn lights on overnight. Anybody know how to bring a plant back from frostbite? What a bummer
wow I have never seen flowers so purple while the rest of the plant is still lush green ... Nice plant!!


Well-Known Member
Glad I shot these photos when I did, the cold did a number on the Killing Fields last night. She doesn't look so great this morning. I tried like hell to keep her warm overnight but to no avail. Low temps hit -17 sometime this morning and my grow area dipped below 30. All the leaves shriveled up and the water reservoir was frozen. Not sure I can save her, don't really know what to do for her. Once the lights came back on this morning the temps got back up to where they should be but I'm afraid the damage is done. The flowers really don't look too bad and the foliage surrounding the bud sites looks okay. The leaves on lower branches took it the hardest. I removed some of the dead stuff but I hate to cause any more trauma so I think I'll just see how it rebounds in the next couple days. More brutal low temps again tonight so I think I'll just leave the damn lights on overnight. Anybody know how to bring a plant back from frostbite? What a bummer
Try a heat mat under? sorry to hear about the cold I was just looking at the pics at first not reading,


Active Member
wow I have never seen flowers so purple while the rest of the plant is still lush green ... Nice plant!!
I've enjoyed watching the progression of the colors. This plant was in veg stage for a very long time under some intense training. I finally reached the stage I was waiting for to see how well the training worked. I'm happy with the results, it fits my space perfectly. Hopefully, she'll make a full recovery and continue to increase in intensity.