killing the roach


After a pass around of the Louisville Slugger you are left with something people don't want to pass or smoke anymore. A ROACH! what can you do to use that weed and not toss it? Grab a straw. Put the roach in and a hit or 2 for the crew. You will be happy you did it. Take off.
And get a hit of melted plastic straw?...sounds like a great idea! Or you can just buy randys papers with the built in roach wire....thread closed!
doofus, you put the roach into the carb of a small glass pipe, and use the bowl as a carb.
And get a hit of melted plastic straw?...sounds like a great idea! Or you can just buy randys papers with the built in roach wire....thread closed!

doofus, you put the roach into the carb of a small glass pipe, and use the bowl as a carb.

We get lifted and have ideas... I am happy to say I didn't ever taste any plastic in my 2 hits. No one else mentioned it... Mark you're a troll with two post on this "closed thread". Get your post count up somewhere else.

borber, I have used pipes before also and it works. We don't carry them while we are riding in the car though...

It worked. Don't try it if you don't want to.
I make my roaches (I MEAN THE FOLDED CARTON) longer so I can just hold it in my fingers till all the weed is gone.
Idk why a lot of people don't use the paper roach kind of thingy. It prevents ashes from getting in your mouth and lets you finish it all up. No waste.
There are plenty if things you can do with a roach. Eat it, it can be a nice topper to a buzz. Split it open and load the weed into a bowl, or you can just put the whole roach in the bowl. Split it open and save it or just save the roach itself. Oh and instead of using a straw you can just use a "bat" or a "oney" (spelling?) It's basically the same concept, just aluminum. If you can't buy paraphernalia I'm sure you could easily make one instead of using a straw lol
There are plenty if things you can do with a roach. Eat it, it can be a nice topper to a buzz. Split it open and load the weed into a bowl, or you can just put the whole roach in the bowl. Split it open and save it or just save the roach itself. Oh and instead of using a straw you can just use a "bat" or a "oney" (spelling?) It's basically the same concept, just aluminum. If you can't buy paraphernalia I'm sure you could easily make one instead of using a straw lol

Thanks HK, a "bat" sounds great. I looked some up and there are glass ones that claim to not have the taste of aluminum. I was wondering if that taste is/was noticable to you? Never ate one before. I'll try it some day!

So maybe a straw isn't the best idea :roll: lol(but its still one to try)
After a pass around of the Louisville Slugger you are left with something people don't want to pass or smoke anymore. A ROACH! what can you do to use that weed and not toss it? Grab a straw. Put the roach in and a hit or 2 for the crew. You will be happy you did it. Take off.
we just use the cardboard off of matchbooks or use a business card torn in half. just roll it up and you got yourself a crutch to smoke the roach
I just read my earlier post and thought I sounded like a dick, must've been drunk or somethin'
try saving your roaches. take em all apart and roll it into a joint. if you want, put fresh weed on the end you smoke from to prevent it from bleeding (resonating)
I make a paper filter and smoke to it... usually a few mm's before hand but I do have a full jar of roaches that will be made into hash at a later point..
I throw Roaches in the Garbage where they belong ! A skilled grower should not be smoking such unless they like .. I never liked digging through an Ash Tray and smoking Cigarette Butts either .. But then again I have callused fingers and generally make sure that there is not much left when tossed ..
alligator clips, split a paper match and wrap around roach, split a green twig with knife, whatever is available, improvise...peace
You can use 2 pennies as an improvised roach clip. Who doesn't have 2 pennies in their car? They have a ridge around the edge so it holds the roach tightly... it slips out of other coins. It's not the best for a group, but perfect for a solo session. Most of the time I just save my roaches and roll a 2nd generation blunt with them. Helps to cover the roachy taste and gets you WAY baked! :peace:
You can use 2 pennies as an improvised roach clip. Who doesn't have 2 pennies in their car? They have a ridge around the edge so it holds the roach tightly... it slips out of other coins. It's not the best for a group, but perfect for a solo session.
I'm gonna have to give this a try next time and see how it goes.
i hate the taste and the smell of roaches. toss them nasty smelly things away.

there was a day i smoked them after having enough to roll 1 up.

another nasty thing is resin.