kilo for free


Well-Known Member
hey people, i just received a kilo of MHRB soaking in naoh with a layer of naphtha in a 5 gallon bucket. a chemist i knew is moving and he was gonna throw this out so he gave it to me. i have experience in extracting 50g runs but this is alot more.

i want any ideas or suggestions on how to do this.


Well-Known Member
Damn, you should have asked me first... you are gonna use alot of solvents now...
Also if yo uare gonna do that big batch, I would suggest you rather go the makeing fumerate salts road than freebase crystals, as it is more stable in long term storage.

But I would have suggested the cake method for that kind of volume. I am not sure if you can still do it if you allready basified it... In fact I'm reasonably sure you can't

Lol I hope cristmas comes soon :P Seems I keep handing out DMT at a faster rater than I can afford to stock up on bark.


Well-Known Member
this guy already had this stuff mixed and it had been sitting in his house for a while. i didnt mix anything up.

so what u think i should do. pull off all the naphtha and see what i get? theres probly about a 1/2 to 1/4 inch of naphtha in there.


Well-Known Member
yeah if there is naphta in i'd give it a shot, on freeze percip you may find the results a bit yellow due to oxidation and possibly a wider range of alkaloids. If it bothers you you can simply do a further heptane recrystalisation.


yes take the top layer naphtha and put it in somethink like a glass dish in the freezer also putting your jug in a hot water bath will help the different layers seperate im not sure what ratio your mix is but like that link said on big extractions you can extract all the naptha you can then add more shake it up a whole lot for a day or so then add the heat again and you may get a second lot from it dont get me wrong that link had nothink to do with me i just read it recently and just so happened it went well with your post well good luck . barnzy


Well-Known Member
thanx guys. yea i got most of the solvent into a dish, strained it threw a few coffee filters also. evaporating now.


Well-Known Member
ok its takin forever for this to evap... i hope somethin good comes out of this.

comin off my first shroom trip:mrgreen: more on that later...


Well-Known Member
Hwy flow, I'd seal it up with some salad wrap and stick it in the freezer, in 24 hours decant and scrape out , then evap a bit more and freeze again, and finaly evap the last dected naphta, keep the spice seperate as it will get yellower as you go.


New Member
I looked at that site, I was wondering what that was you guys are making? Is it meth? Please explain............


Well-Known Member
No, its a neurochemical called Dimethyltryptamine.
I.e. you are carrying some right now in your body, just not enough.

We also do not "make" it, we simply extract it from plant materials (it occurs widely in living organisms).


Well-Known Member
No it is an alkaloid from trees like accasias and some grasses etc.
It liberates the conciousness from the body, and then the awareness from the conciousness. So that the observer becomes the awareness, totaly loosing any sense of self or even of the existance of selves...
Being returned from that state into your daily conciousness is like being shat out into a toilet world. It may be too much for some, it may be too much for me. I no longer have fear, so I will need to find reason, if I were to ever give it up... clawing my way to haveing just a few more seconds of that.
This is a longer term result. In the short term you may see lots of beautiful patterns and maybe some "entities" depending how deep you fall into yourself... But eventualy you will be rather than see. And do rather than think. Our holiest thoughts are just the stopgaps for the emptiness between our righteous deeds.


Well-Known Member
heres what i scraped up... big one was .6 the small .1

this kid smoked half of the small one and tripped. then smoked the other half with a little more from the big one. he tripped good, just said it burned the nose a bit.