Kilo Of Stinking Bud With Loads Of Pics!

done blueberry outdoor last yr, yielded 5oz could have been much more if she hadnt been topped to death cause of height/security issues n chopped early. this yr we are doing ppp,bubblegum,acoulpolco gold n chronic all outdoor.

people underestimate the uk summer, with lots of tlc n abit of skill your grow most strain succesfully outdoor in the uk. you got ne pics of that outdoor magic bud grow dewey?
Nah man i didn't take any pic's of her but this year i will be taking photographic evidence of it, and well done on your grow i was thinking about doing more strain's oudoor's but the seed's i got didnt germ what was a bugger!! all im saying is roll on october for the super high times ;)
yeah i agree. england has a climate that you grow outdoors in. the only problem i worry about in ireland is mould but dutch passion do some mould resistant varietys outdoor. im tempted to do one now!!!!!
be carefull with DP they are the hermi kings, read up on them.

ive got some pics of the blueberry but i wont bore you with em ive posted em loads of times now but what the hell i was proud of her.
well the thread sais you have pictures of 1kg of bud. you don't. you're bullshitting to draw more attention to your thread, as you say, and then get surprised when you get called out :lol:

still not seen a kilo of bud yet...
well the thread sais you have pictures of 1kg of bud. you don't. you're bullshitting to draw more attention to your thread, as you say, and then get surprised when you get called out :lol:

still not seen a kilo of bud yet...

come-on TT i thought better of you m8 av you looked at all the pics hes saying hes about to harvest n reckons hes gonna get a kilo, fink hes got 24 plants aswel so will smash a key imo by the looks of the pics.

neway you came across as typical hater with that post m8, not usally like what ive read from ya post? bad time of month? lol
mr tip top i think youll find people disagree. if you go to toke and talk there is a poll called a kilo or not a kilo. why dont you go to the poll vote no and leave your comment there. i would rather my journal be used for people who are remotely intrested in checking out my bud. im assuming you didnt read this thread and went straight to the last post.if you read the whole thread you will note that although i havent got a kilo of bud yet that is what i am aspiring to. maybe i should rename this journal "soon to be a kilo of stinking bud with pics" . would that make you happy?
i read the thread... hence the reason i know there are no pictures of a kilo and that it was just a stunt to draw people to your thread, due to your toher one failing.

and i came here because i was interested in your bud, only for it not to be bud. if you'd called it "soon to be lots of picures of a kilo harvest" sure, but no, you lied :)

should i open a thread called 10,000w 50 strain 1lb a day mega grow, only to tell them i've not actually got it but i'll make that grow room at some poitn :P

i have no issue with you or the thread, just the title :)
steve1 144.jpgsteve1 143.jpg no probs, i must admit though i didnt expect this kind of reaction. is it to late to change the name of the thread? when this journal is done i will post a shit load of pics with the buds on the scales and will call it by the same name. look out for it!
sorry about the repeat pics but i love these. will take some more later.
Your grow is looking great mate I love this picture.

That is total bud porn in my eyes.

I can understand why you gave it the title you did as it sucks when no one posts replies on your thread but if you go to others and post replies on theirs they will do the same for you.

Don't worry about TTT he has just got his big wooden spoon out, haven't you mate?
haha, a big wooden bloody bat! spoon just doesn't cut the mustard.

i had a it of a late night and i think i'm still a bit drunk to be honest. i opened a thread and it shattered my reality. too early to do that to meeeeeeeee!

as smart sais though, the best way to get people into your thread is to befriend others in their threads and they will come find you out before too long :)
cheers bu5T4. i see youre from scotland i was just over there last week in livingston for a wedding. i was lucky as fuck the taxi driver said they had 3 MONTHS of snow. when i was there it was roasting!! lol. i will get more bud shots like that on later. oh how do i get the thread linked to my posts?? does anyone know??
haha, a big wooden bloody bat! spoon just doesn't cut the mustard.

i had a it of a late night and i think i'm still a bit drunk to be honest. i opened a thread and it shattered my reality. too early to do that to meeeeeeeee!

as smart sais though, the best way to get people into your thread is to befriend others in their threads and they will come find you out before too long :)

yeah your right but i tend to lurk more than chat as it seems everyone already knows each other!! ive got gooseberryitis!!! also my missus doesnt want me doing a journal as she thinks i will get traced through my i.p. being honest i dont care about being traced because i dont have them at home! lol
If they really wanted to trace your I.P mate they could but it doesn't seem to likely.

LOL we all only know each other from here and I hardly know anyone but I do recognise the names of regular posters especially from the UK. Check out the UK thread and you will get to know lots of cool people.
cheers man i will be getting some more up tonight. i wont bother with group shots now for a week or so because i think everyone wants to see close up bud porn!!!! now im using the shooting powder the buds should explode. (hope)
cheers! i think that bud should end up massive. as you can see there is no orange hairs whatso ever so it could go another 3-4 weeks! i will get some proper bud shots up tonight!