Kind Sir Organics

I built my AACT brewer because it seemed like I was always running out of EWC! I bought 30gal of castings on craigslist and did a proper top-dressing, and there is no comparison, top-dressing is SO much better! Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I doubt it!
I am looking into building my own cheap worm bins. I bought a couple of the worm farms last year, but they are over $100 each!

My 18 gal Rubbermaid totes are still going strong after 6+ years. Cost $8-9 each and I use 2 per set up.

Quick question, what region of the US are you in, growing zone?

The 'money issues' thing is kinda BS if you are passing up locally sourced equivalents and paying big $$$ to ship *designer* amendments.

Pretty much, stuff like Oyster shell flour, fish meal (any type), crab/crustacean meal, etc., are only available "locally" in the PNW and close to the left coast. Great, if that's where you live, not so great if it has to be shipped.

Oyster shell flour is a prime example. The product itself is cheap, ~$9 - $12/40-50lb bag. To ship it is in the $40 neighborhood. Local to me is calcitic lime (a 1 to 1 equivalent), for ~$15 for the same amount. It's not rocket science to figure out the cost/benefit ratio between $49 and $15 for chemically equivalent products.

Bone meal here is right at $1/lb. Never priced the fish bone just knowing it would never be that cheap and I have yet to hear of any health issues arising from its use. You know, THAT would make the news. Nor from blood meal, but that seldom gets used now, being replaced with soy meal for a high N, slow release application.

Just saying, there is a literal shit ton of cheaper alternatives that bring exactly the same benefit to the table. Finding them just takes a bit of research and experience will show just how well they work, or don't.

I did the same thing you're doing till it became apparent I couldn't afford to keep doing it with shipping being so expensive. So, don't feel like the Lone Ranger here. LOL

The worst was rock dust. Paid $30 for 10lbs of basalt (IIRC), and then later found granite dust locally for $5/5gallon bucket. You supply the bucket and shovel. Weighed ~60-70lbs.

Now, pretty much the only bulk items that are worth the shipping are neem cake and kelp meal. Both are just north of $40 for shipping and both are worth the added expense IMO.

Worms: Feed as the food is consumed. Like GMM, I may only feed once/month in the winter and 2-3x that much when things warm up. If you can see food, they don't need any more. I do a 'lasagna' type deal with peat based bedding, adding ~1" of bedding when the food is consumed. Then, more food on top of the fresh bedding and repeat the whole thing. Ends up ~14"+ deep by harvest time. I do add some amendments to the bedding "just because", but don't keep adding them. I find worms from top to bottom giving lie to the 'they only stay near the surface' line. Your 4" depth seems a bit shallow, but experience will guide you in that area with YOUR set up.

HTH some.

Hey you are right, I am either not good at finding the right sources or there really are not many places to get much in the organic situation. I take advantage of amazon prime, which is quick and free shipping and usually happy with the prices but truly should look into different places.

I dont want to spend a bunch of money to get started, but to begin with I bought easily "indetifiable" brands of amendments at probably top dollar to make it easy you know?
I am trying to concentrate on making good ewc/compost and dialing my room in, and my grow style. Trying to get used to the bugs, red mites in thr worm bin as well.

I very much appreciate everything you guys have to say, thanks.
Hey you are right, I am either not good at finding the right sources or there really are not many places to get much in the organic situation. I take advantage of amazon prime, which is quick and free shipping and usually happy with the prices but truly should look into different places.

I dont want to spend a bunch of money to get started, but to begin with I bought easily "indetifiable" brands of amendments at probably top dollar to make it easy you know?
I am trying to concentrate on making good ewc/compost and dialing my room in, and my grow style. Trying to get used to the bugs, red mites in thr worm bin as well.

I very much appreciate everything you guys have to say, thanks.

You did right with that approach and BAS is wonderful in that regard. I've ordered from them several times to check stuff out, neem/karanja being the prime example. Worked so well I bought in bulk from neem resources.

It takes time. Some things it took literally years to locate. I'm in a very diverse agricurtural area, but could not locate soy meal to save my life despite it being grown and its use for animal feed. A real WTF. A visit to a relatives dairy farm and a ride along to the feed store netted 2-50lb bags for $36. Bought two because I didn't know when the next visit would be.

The granite dust was here all along, but I couldn't get it till the place finally started sales to the public and not just 'to the trade'. Both of these were 2-3 years in the searching.

Again, like a broken record, keep working the worm bin, plant some comfrey, start a compost pile. For bulk ordering, neem cake and kelp meal will cover about 90% of your needs.

It's just that simple.
