kinda cold...tell me how long.


Alright I just got some pics, this pic is from last week before I changed the reservoir. So they bulked up a little more. But I have never grown these strains before, and by the looks of this bud formation I would expect maybe like 4-5 weeks left? What do you guys think.. All 4 plants look this frosty right now...

let me know. The conditions aren't bad, but could be better.


Alright...will do. I saw abunch for cheap. But shouldn't they be swelling up a lot bigger than that?


yea but they have been going forever! like seriously im starting the 12 week of flowering right now...but things are looking a lot better now that my tent is a constant 70 degrees. So you really think 8 more weeks? yea maybe, but i'm expecting some real good smoke out of this, and profit.


Well-Known Member
In the future i'd go with fast flowering indica's for max profit, but i think youll do alright. Thing is the plants add most of their weight last few weeks and when your talking a hardcore sativa that can be 4-4 1/2 months before they are done. They do look fairly behind, but from what your saying it looks like you got it taken care of and the plants catching up. You should have some killer smoke. I always get really impatient with sativa's too so dont worry, its just a matter of waiting and staying the course.


alright, well i'm getting some clones tomorrow, and I will make sure they're indicas because I would like to see a finish with in 8 weeks of flowering...yea it got pretty chilly around here, but now that the tent is getting to a constant heat I cant wait for them to finish, and yea that is true, but i have waited this long so whats 8 more weeks? ha