kinda pissed....


Active Member
Well I looked at attitude recently.
About a week prior I ordered 2 packs of Chernobyl.
Now if you buy a pack of any subcools stuff, u receive 5 seeds of chernobyl.

I spent 212 to get 20 seeds...
if i waited a week i couldve gotten. atleast 5 more to increase my chance of finding an frosty ass keeper.
O man im

O and A day after i order shitload of seeds, attitude also did 25% discount promo...
!!! 1 day after !!!...
couldve saved me over 150. u dig..?
Haha my luck :(


Well-Known Member watch latest weed nerds? i think if i recall, sub mentioned the promo a while back.....better luck next least you got the beans....who knows, maybe you will find the ticket...and then it will all become irrelevent!:-P


Well-Known Member
Ive held Three amazing give aways already this year and I announce everyone long in advance



Active Member
Well I looked at attitude recently.
About a week prior I ordered 2 packs of Chernobyl.
Now if you buy a pack of any subcools stuff, u receive 5 seeds of chernobyl.

I spent 212 to get 20 seeds...
if i waited a week i couldve gotten. atleast 5 more to increase my chance of finding an frosty ass keeper.
O man im

O and A day after i order shitload of seeds, attitude also did 25% discount promo...
!!! 1 day after !!!...
couldve saved me over 150. u dig..?
Haha my luck :(
Head on over to you tube and get on the weed nerd tip!


Active Member
Lmao fosho i shouldve checked out weed nerd man. But tbh only saw through 1 episode awhile back. where they were messing with that supersoil. Im not good on keepin with that and what not. but useful info but i work like 10~12 hours a day man. plus the work in the room i dont really got time to sit around in the computer too too much.

O btw planning to do a grow report on these chernobyl w/ supersoil. But lil skeptic as to post pics online. If anyone know a good proxy server or hiding ip thing or good way to secure yourself online. please pm me or post it here and teach me as well other people plz.

my bad subcool i wasnt doggin on you or nothing. Just saw the dam thing and i was bit pissed off at the situation buts it w/e bro.

Btw your plushberry knocked everyone to sleep lmao.

My friend told me he was blazing with 2 girls and they all fell asleep in his couch. (lucky dog :D)

And a friend of mine who puffs like 10 joints a day on regular basis. smoked a joint and fell asleep good and sleep with his baby girl in the couch around 5 pm.

It wasn't my type of smoke i guess but man thats the thing for insomnia for sure.

been following subcool around since breedbay. My favorite breeder/grower/teacher along with shantibaba from Mr.Nice . His shark shock was da shizzzz.
THank you everyone for kind words haha.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you should pay more attentions and take notes.... just be happy you had the items you wanted in stock when you placed your order.


Well-Known Member
As far as a frosty ass keeper out of 20 beans..... I cracked 6 and got 3 frosties.....are they keepers..... I'm not that far yet but all 3 are frosty as fuck at day 32 and I consider myself less than an amateur so out of 20 you should find one good enough to hold onto for the rest of your life, literally.....

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Well-Known Member
I just sent them an email to the email address on their site and it came back as unkown, than i went to but some at ml seeds, i like them, they must have lost their merchant account it wants me to send in a money order. ugh.


Well-Known Member
The TW one looks like it will be the better yielder but theres really no way for me to tell, its way to early for me to tell anything in that department, but I'd be more than happy with 3-4 zips per plant but I'm thinking I'll do a little better than that. Smells are a different story, I had no idea what sandal wood smelled like until I read the description of blood wreck (dank 2.0 on my kindle app is a useful book when growing TGA gear let me tell ya.) but it makes sense now with the scents of the TW dom one. The JTR one I cant really figure it out yet I cant tell if its a lemon, lime, or a bit of both yet, the 3rd one smells like the lime slurpee pheno but none of them are really that strong in the odor department yet. Today is day 35 for the big ones so I think by next sunday I'll have some better input and some better pics. Its definitely that exciting time in my garden, for the past week I have been literally standing around outside the door waiting for the timers to turn the lights on, then every time I do go in a difference can be seen.

I grew chernobyl out once before, I only grew 3 beans. 1 was a JTR looking male that I wish I kept to play with a little but didnt know any better at the time and killed it, the other 2 were fems but I had a "light hanger malfunction" (the shit slipped out of my hand) and it came down and killed the better of the 2 cherny's and left me with only a couple nodes on the smaller one with only a couple more weeks to veg so when the time came I just flipped her with the rest of my plants, and as karma always has it....the busted ass chernobyl was the best of them all, it actually looked just like the one in the link below.

The thing I liked the best about the chernobyl aside from the high and look of it and all the normal good shit people talk of it, to trim it basically per bud I chopped off 2 non-sugar fan leaves and threw what was left in the dry pile, its not a whole lot of work. I think the JTR dom may be a little more work but there will be no complaints.