kinda rip branch oh God no


Well-Known Member
You could use some string to help support the branch, maybe that branch makes it and maybe it doesnt-- the plant will make that decision itself.

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
got a picture of it ,sometimes you can mend them with tape or a small pc of panty hose ,once it heals itself you take panty hose off

Randy The Stoner

New Member
Tried Layn my 2 week in flower plant n kinda rips branch off main stem help
Ive taped them befor with a blob of clone Jelly in there , i was surprised it worked, and made a big lump like scarr where it was bonded, ? try it SOON. excuse me, im new here and don't even know how this work!! LOL Randy


New Member
Yep I'll take a pic of the scar when my lights come on but honestly tape it up n it will make it stronger

joe godbud

Ok my light should cut on in like. 2 hours..the branch is big with buds and still is maintaining strength it's a branch coming from main steam Il try to take pic but plant is very bushy I hope the branch dissent die lol

joe godbud

Well lights just turns on and still is standing not seeing any hanging so could I jus leave it alone n it will do what it needs too..that area in the pic is the one branch lol



New Member
Yep the brown scar if you like was were it was teared I'll go take a pic of the bud on the end of it one sec