Kindbuds Afghan kush Ryder & EasyRyder Grow


Well-Known Member
all is going well, the curled baby is uncurling and looking better, and the uncurled one has nice fat leaves now is looks beautiful. tha AKR is like 2" tall and smells so good.

ps. i just picked up some unsecured wireless in my apartment haha hope it lasts


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what the tinyness is from. The auto flower dwarf plants need a shitload more root space to get big at all. In fact, I think its recommended to use 3L pots at the smallest. If you want to grow in cups, use regular flowering seeds. Otherwise, get you some bigger pots kid.
try reading the thread before you attempt to make me look stupid on my thread you jackass. Bigger pots?... your a retard. get some more posts you beat


Well-Known Member
anywayz. Heres how they look now. the curled one is regaining its self and is lookin skinny, and the other one is looking nice and growing quickly.

Just so everyone knows im not going to repot the AkR, its pointless cuz its done flowering in 2-3 weeks, its not gonna grow vertically and its not root bound. its just for fun now, just to be able to smelll this crazy little plant everyday is good enough to me.

more plants to come. considering a new thread since, my AkR is stupid and I dont have any easyryders lol.. what you think?:leaf::leaf:


anywayz. Heres how they look now. the curled one is regaining its self and is lookin skinny, and the other one is looking nice and growing quickly.

Just so everyone knows im not going to repot the AkR, its pointless cuz its done flowering in 2-3 weeks, its not gonna grow vertically and its not root bound. its just for fun now, just to be able to smelll this crazy little plant everyday is good enough to me.

more plants to come. considering a new thread since, my AkR is stupid and I dont have any easyryders lol.. what you think?:leaf::leaf:
Fun is the main reason I got some AkR seeds, that and I need something to keep me patient while my papayas and GDP take shape - I'll have to start a journal soon, but I'm already a month into the papaya, so maybe grow 2. I'm thinking of dropping the AkR (two plants) into one ten gallon storage bin...I only have a 5 1/2 by 3 1/2 closet to work with, and space is getting tight...think it'll work out? The storage bin is one of those rubbermaid garage storage bins...


Well-Known Member
So i just went and bought this Rogers Rocket stick internet thing, it came with a brand new netbook with windows 7. so my 3 month old netbook looks like crap now haha. and im back online. yee.

plants are looking pretty good and growing nicely, pic updates tomorrow. peace yo`s


Well-Known Member
sweet deal! new stuff is cool. cant wait for pic's, i bet the seedlings are growing superfast, especially compared to the akr!


Well-Known Member
Man that little bud looks so cool It sucks there won't b a good yield. The other plants look good too, they will pass the akr b4 u know it

Did any of the seeds that popped on your last plant ever sprout?


Active Member
Man that little bud looks so cool It sucks there won't b a good yield. The other plants look good too, they will pass the akr b4 u know it

Did any of the seeds that popped on your last plant ever sprout?
Yeah they do look awfully pretty but a 8th is a max yield id say
Not bad for personal smoke I suppose


Well-Known Member
ya the nice looking young one is form my last plant. when i move, im starting more seeds, my last batch all the seeds popped open but the taproot never grew.. i use some cheap ass paper towel tho. well see. iv never had issues with germ before. i wana start my super lemon haze soon too


Active Member
Hey Cory, I just read this thread from the first page, although I have skimmed through it a couple times before, glad to hear that you have worked out the problems and learned from this grow. Next time they will be huge! I can't wait to hear a smoke report on your AKR. I am really interested to hear if the autoflower kush maintains that kush taste that I love so much. How are your other plants doing? Good luck growing~dieselfan


Well-Known Member
thank dieselfan, my midget AkR reaks like kush, alot, its kush for sure, i cant wait to smoke it lol im guessing its gonna be 2g's dry.

my other plants are ok, one is growing nicely way ahead of the other which is weird looking and has small leaves. Im gonna take a guess that the nice one is gonna be male, and probably the other one too. but i have feminised super lemon haze seeds im germinating as soon as i move, and im gonna start more bag seeds.

heres some pics from this morning



Well-Known Member
so this things suposed to be finished tommorrow apparently, i flushed it last week and i havent watered it in 4 days. shes in dark right now. propably cut her tomorrow or saturday morning before i move. ill post a smoke report then im starting a new thread.

new place means i have a new setup, that iv been designing for about a month. Iv also started working a large scale grow with a buddy. bongsmilie

