King Colas

Switch to aeroponics for we are the best gardeners in all of the woooooorrrlllddddd.... More herb than a little. Humongous buds with 15% plant matter left at harvest. Bud every inch of those skinny bare stems with aeroponics early flowering. New age growing. That is all folks.


Well-Known Member
i got 2.9 per thousand in mix4. i really doubt that i could do any better in aero. what is "the best gardener in the world" pullin
i got 2.9 per thousand in mix4. i really doubt that i could do any better in aero. what is "the best gardener in the world" pullin
Well that's pretty dam good... I don't tend to my plants as often as I should but I'm still pulling around 2lbs off the 1000 every harvest. So what is your method? What style grower are you? How many plants are u growing?
I don't veg either so you can factor that in, that basically means its quicker and requires a few days of veg therefore you are cutting time and number of plants in half. This is effortless growing at its best. But you my friend? You sound like a great grower. I would love to try what you are doing. I still love aerophonics because of how clean and neat and uniform everything grows. I don't put hours in in my room because I'm only required to refill the Rez every two weeks. Less water, more plants, no work, just enjoying the fruits of no labor.
whats aroponics
A hydro system that doesn't flood. It is a system that sprays the roots frequently for the best air to water ratio. It results in super fast growth and healthy harvest. If you dont kno what you are doing you might want to do a little research before you try cause you can also kill a whole crop in hours if everything isn't right