Kings kush 4-5 weeks into flowering , possible hermies ???

Hi all , this is my very first grow and these plants have been thru slit of stress in the past due to my mistakes , but I got 4 out if 10 feminised kings kush seeds (greenhouse seeds) looking quite healthy so I went ahead and started flowering them , all has been going really well , lots of nice healthy looking colas forming , but today when I inspected them closer I noticed a worrying site , little sagging banana like things beneath each node , is this a hermie ??

All 4 plants have this characteristic , I'm growing in a generic all mix soil , 8" clay pots , feeding biobloom + max every 3 days , watering nearly everyday due to my pots being too small and plants are root bound .

If they ARE all hermie what's my best course of action , I can't isolate a plant as they all have this and they are too far on flowering now to chop them , so what's the best way to limit the damage to my ... Err .. " ladyboys" ? :(

I'm growing in a walk in closet with plenty if ventilation and light under 600w hps , I ph my feeding water to around 6 with powdered ph down , and when I give them nutes biobizz seems to take my tap water from about 8 to around 6 for me with no need for ph down . There is an extremly tiny light leek from the bottom of the door to the grow room but tbh it's so small I wouldn't think it's worth mentioning .

Here is a pic if the strafe banana that's worrying me , any help u can give us greatly appreciated , I don't want my first crop to be totally bad smoke .



Well-Known Member
every female has a banana leaf on it, if you pollinate the same strain with that you will end up with female seeds

The Potologist

Active Member
Just wish to tell you that a dear friend of mine recently grew Kings Kush. Out of ten beaners he had 4 girls...all which hermied. I, personally, cant stand dutch genetics. Especially GHS. While they are roaming the world for better genetics and such, Kings Kush was a dud. I dont like Kush Based strains, and more so Kings Kush. Horrible smoke, IMO.

As far as the hermies, I would try to chop the ones down that have morphed. I wouldnt worry about the light leak, or anything you did really. You appear to know what you are doing, especially getting this far. I personal say genetics. Green House just sucks IMO. I think they had two strains overall that I cared for, and none were kush based. Personally I recommend TGA Subcool, or CaliConnect, Reserva, Cannabia ( awesome spanish genetics). I hope I was able to help.

Peace, Love, and Happiness
Thanks for the swift replys , still not sure if these r hermies tho , and yes I'm extremly disapointed with the quality if GHS , out if 10 seeds I only really got 2 nice bushy healthy plants , the rest grew tall but unhealthy , I kept 2 if the bushy ones and 2 tall ones , bushy ones have about 10+ colas each , tall ones gave 1 main cola but r still looking unhealthy but still growing bud .

I have some airpots and some critical sensi star seeds (5fem) and I have sectioned if a small section above my flower area for vegging to a foot max , under a 220w mini t5 blue spectrum light , by that time my kush will be cropped and they can spend another 2 weeks veggin in my taller flower area under 600w hps then hopefully flower me 8x 3-4foot critical sensi in 10l airpots , hmm I feel my first journal coming on

more pics of my healthiest female , sorry can't see how to crop them I'm posting from my iPhone


The Potologist

Active Member

The Potologist

Active Member
Thanks for the swift replys , still not sure if these r hermies tho , and yes I'm extremly disapointed with the quality if GHS , out if 10 seeds I only really got 2 nice bushy healthy plants , the rest grew tall but unhealthy , I kept 2 if the bushy ones and 2 tall ones , bushy ones have about 10+ colas each , tall ones gave 1 main cola but r still looking unhealthy but still growing bud .

I have some airpots and some critical sensi star seeds (5fem) and I have sectioned if a small section above my flower area for vegging to a foot max , under a 220w mini t5 blue spectrum light , by that time my kush will be cropped and they can spend another 2 weeks veggin in my taller flower area under 600w hps then hopefully flower me 8x 3-4foot critical sensi in 10l airpots , hmm I feel my first journal coming on

more pics of my healthiest female , sorry can't see how to crop them I'm posting from my iPhone

I was recommending you "CHOP" the hermies and keep the non-hermies. I personally cant tell from the quality of pics, but I wouldnt chance them pollinating the two healthy ones you have that you can confirm female.
I'm STILL not sure I'd they are even hermies , first reply said all females have a banana leaf , if this is true then i'm sure these are not hermies , as there is no sign of any seeds or polenation the only thing that's worrying me is the banana type leaf , wich can be clearly seen in the pic even tho iPhones camera sux really bad
Well I'm a week at most away from chopping them now and I'm pretty sure they have NOT hermies on me , yay , at a guess i would say I will get 3 oz dry at most from the first 2 kings kush to get chopped , there's another small one I have tho that's well behind the others but it's coming on strong now tho , and I'm pretty sure it's the elusive purple pheno of kings kush , very small plant with only 3 very long deep purple fan leaves