kitty's flower garden part 2

so i know i've been slaaaack on updating this, but i honestly haven't been doing a lot of gardening this year. couple of the new acquisitions just flowered so i figured it was a good reason to get out and take some pics.

new this year: grandiflora 'Rock n Roll' - so now i have grandifloras 'Peace', 'Love', and 'Rock n Roll'... 'Peace' and 'R-n-R' were gifts from mr kitty. :)

delphinium trio - got the 'New Millenium' (the one in the middle) late last year, the other 2 were mother's day gifts.


asiatic lily 'mango' - going on 3 years with this one.

grandiflora 'Love', also year 3 for this girl. (the 'Peace' doesn't have any open blooms right now)
Sweet garden Mello :) Love the hues of purples on the delphiniums. My asiatic is on year 3 or 4 and has several arms now. I put it in the ground where we moved. Sadly, my cannas didn't bloom. Must not have properly 'vernalized' lol.
Looking good sweetie, and love the Japanese maple in the background.

I have roses where I live now. I have never been a rose fan, though they are beautiful. The thorns are what turn me away. Yours are beautiful though!
Sweet garden Mello :) Love the hues of purples on the delphiniums. My asiatic is on year 3 or 4 and has several arms now. I put it in the ground where we moved. Sadly, my cannas didn't bloom. Must not have properly 'vernalized' lol.
Looking good sweetie, and love the Japanese maple in the background.

I have roses where I live now. I have never been a rose fan, though they are beautiful. The thorns are what turn me away. Yours are beautiful though!

thanks fumbz, i love delphiniums; i only have 3 right now, but i think they look simply majestic when there's a whole bunch of them together. i love how the blues/purples change with the age of the blossoms, sort of like hydraengeas do.
i'm one of those weirdos who loves things with thorns; especially if they also have beautiful flowers. thorny-ass cacti with adorable flowers tickle me pink. the pepper tree that you can see intertwined with the japanese maple (good eye, btw!) is one of the thorniest things i have, and it doesn't even have particularly pretty flowers, but i LOVE it. it's a lemon pepper and the leaves smell just lovely in the rain. just found out i need a breeding pair to get actual pepper off it so i'll have to get another one.

too bad about your cannas, i seem to have killed off most of my oriental lily bulbs last winter through improper storage. there's one survivor that's putting out little whispy attempts at plants but i don't think it's going to bloom this year :( i recently threw a well-deserved hissy fit at mr kitty and his make-up gift was a yellow calla (i couldn't get a pic yesterday because as soon as i picked up the camera a thunderstorm rolled in). the man knows me too well. "distract her with flowers....." i've gotten more potted plants than cut flowers in the time we've been together, and i wouldn't have it any other way.

They all look beautiful. I really love the asiatic lily. One day I'll get to have a flower garden.

thank you for the prodding about taking pics, i was totally not thinking about it but it inspired me to finally clean the junk off the deck. :) i'm a bigger fan of oriental lilies because i like things that smell pretty, but the asiatics have WAY cooler colours. 'landini' (black) and 'lionheart' (black with yellow tips) are my next purchases, as soon as i figure out where to put them.

i need to take more pics soon, i think the trillium is trying to flower.
well your a natural at photography

thank you! :hug:
i looked up the specs and "built-in f/2 lens" seems to have been the big deal at the time. (it's all greek to me.....)
it was the store model they were selling when i went camera shopping, all i know is that i got way more camera than i bargained for, for the price. :bigjoint:
thank you for the prodding about taking pics, i was totally not thinking about it but it inspired me to finally clean the junk off the deck. :) i'm a bigger fan of oriental lilies because i like things that smell pretty, but the asiatics have WAY cooler colours. 'landini' (black) and 'lionheart' (black with yellow tips) are my next purchases, as soon as i figure out where to put them.

i need to take more pics soon, i think the trillium is trying to flower.
You're very welcome. Do you know anything about pollenless lilies? I love lilies but I can tell you when the neighbors lilies two houses down bloom without going outside so the idea of pollenless ones sound really neat.
You're very welcome. Do you know anything about pollenless lilies? I love lilies but I can tell you when the neighbors lilies two houses down bloom without going outside so the idea of pollenless ones sound really neat.

as far as i know they're the result of isolating a recessive trait in asiatics, many of the bulb catalogues have them now, they're generally marked as such, and i don't think there's any special tricks to growing them. this page from The Lily Nook catalogue has a few, "Easy Salsa" looks an awful lot like 'Mango' at first glance. (sadly they don't seem to have a search function on their page)..... asiatics are perennial up to Zone 2 (which is -40C i think?), which means they're an easy grow pretty much anywhere. haven't really given them much thought but i should...... mr kitty has bad hay fever and this orange one doesn't seem to bug him, however, the fragrant orientals i had the last couple years drove him right up the wall. i've read that many people develop hay-fever-like symptoms to the fragrance itself as well. i usually try to remember to pick the stamens off as soon as they open because they stain like orange coal tar.

ooooo, 'Easy Summer' looks a lot like the 'Lionheart' ones i want....
Looks around for Kitty to see some update photos and finds her in the flower patch. I think I found her dannyboy602
there's not much to update...... like i said, i haven't really been doing a lot of gardening this year. i'm trying to coax a second flowering out of the delphs and roses right now and once the lilies are done that's pretty much all i have going on for flowering stuff..... waiting on some gladioli too but i may have planted them a bit too late.....
It's ok. I personally have done NO gardening this year. It's too hot. What I wouldn't give for a blast of some cool Canadian air right now.