kitty's flower garden part 2

Have you grown Moon Flowers? I bet the way you grow they'd be huge.

Love your garden wish I had the time to do it that. It must be really relaxing.
wow, wiki has a few different moonflowers.

i'm guessing you're not talking about the cactus, considering i practically live in a rain forest, which leaves either a type of morning glory or datura (angel's trumpet, zombie plant, etc.)....

i've never (intentionally) grown a morning glory (they're a bit of a pest here)... and i've killed one each of a white and purple datura. i'm not very good at overwintering things and those things definitely don't overwinter outside here. the ones with the yellow hanging flowers seem to do the best here; whenever i see a healthy datura it's one of those.
I have moon flowers growing along side the carport with the morning glorys.Some look to open this evening.I'll try to snap a few pics.They are not huge,6-8 inches across.The humming birds love them.We have also been getting these HUGE moths coming in the later eveng/dark time.They are very cool looking and sound like mini choppers hovering above you.

edit:i found 2

They smell sooooooo good.


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i love hummingbirds. some of the only ones that pass through this way are "anna's" - they're relatively boring looking (grayish brown).

i have lots of evening primrose along the back of the property. seems more like "bloom anytime primrose" though. :lol:
I have morning glories. I planted them last year, and planted moon flowers also, to vine up the post with the sun on it (sun and moon haha). The idea was for the mg's to bloom in the morning and the mf's in the evening. The morning glories choked out the moon flowers unfortunately. I will be doing them again next year...separately. And my mg's this year choked themselves out. Prolific little effers they are.
i love hummingbirds. some of the only ones that pass through this way are "anna's" - they're relatively boring looking (grayish brown).

i have lots of evening primrose along the back of the property. seems more like "bloom anytime primrose" though. :lol:

Morning Kitty. i love hummingbirds. We have a resident pair. Unusual. I feel bad cuz they loved the Mexican sunflowers and I had to chop them. But they love the juice we put out. My parents had a rufus come to their feeder one day. Prettiest one I have ever seen. Copper colored and short and round.
We have quite a few around,between the flowers and a few feeders.A buddy was over the other day and he was able to get his phone within 15-18 inches away and get pics of one at a feeder.It was amazing.It would even turn it's back to him and perch on the feeder and eat.Bird got a brass set i'd say.I have had them come under the carport and hover 4 or 5 feet away just lookin at me.Pretty amazing.
I have morning glories. I planted them last year, and planted moon flowers also, to vine up the post with the sun on it (sun and moon haha). The idea was for the mg's to bloom in the morning and the mf's in the evening. The morning glories choked out the moon flowers unfortunately. I will be doing them again next year...separately. And my mg's this year choked themselves out. Prolific little effers they are.

Lol...thats funny.Our intentions were the same here.To have some thing for the day and some thing for the night.Our MG kind of took over also.Every thing is starting to die off though as it has been neglected.Seeds poppin up all over as we didn't pic off all the dead blooms in time.
My parent's feeder is right by the patio bar. I can sit there and they come 2 feet from my head. Gives me chills it's so cool.
OMG! That is gorgeous Kitty. I may have to try and get one for next year. I killed my mg by not listening to myself. When they started sprouting (where I planted them last year from seed - maybe 20 seeds) there were hundreds of shoots. I knew I should have plucked like 75% of them and didn't do it. Anytime I don't listen to myself, I end up doing shit like that. lol
i think they might be a different type of flower altogether, this one was a shrub, not a vine.... aka purple datura.

apparently you can get high/dead off them too, a la wiki:

Datura intoxication typically produces a complete inability to differentiate reality from fantasy (delirium, as contrasted to hallucination); hyperthermia; tachycardia; bizarre, and possibly violent behavior; and severe mydriasis with resultant painful photophobia that can last several days. Pronounced amnesia is another commonly reported effect.[8] The antidote of choice for overdose or poisoning is physostigmine
hehehe...thanks Kitty. hmmmm what shall I do with this information? Seriously though, it's beautiful!
i know right? :lol:
i guess it's used in shamanistic ceremony pretty much everywhere it grows indigenously. the "delirium" part puts a whole new spin on "religious experience", imo.

it comes in all sorts of cool colours -- google image has lots. i really really like the rose coloured ones with the hanging blossoms... would love to see how they grow in a less... hostile... environment.
Well, maybe I can test them out for you. I will have to do some more investigating on this subject. I will show this to my son when I go back for his wedding (I leave tomorrow night). He is into poisonous mushrooms at the moment. I may direct him to your thread also, if you don't mind. He is becoming an avid gardener himself. Did I mention how amazing my son is? lol He is a multi-talented man. An artist, musician (he plays, guitar, elec guitar, bass, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, cello, trumpet, sax, clarinet, harmonica and probably a couple of others by now). All self taught. Sorry, I am just very proud of him.
fumble: as you should be.

cbr: we're in southern bc, canada. can't say that's a common spider around here, either (like i said, i thought it was a molted skin at first :lol:). we have more of the tan/brown striped variety. that and wolf spiders. and thank you.