knnthc outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Grasshoppers can destroy all your plants within days. I usually find that its the same 3 or 4 in every garden. I find them and give them a nice squeeze between my index finger and thumb.
Most gardening stores carry praying mantis and lady bugs. For the most part they will stick around all season to protect your plants.


Well-Known Member
Update: My plants didnt get water for about 24 hours and they needed some earlier, so they are a little wilted. Everything is going to be fine though. A little bit of growth for you guys to check out. My sensi start and kali mist are really starting to show that they are crossed with critical mass. Giving them super plant tonic tomorrow and spraying eagle20 tonight. Thanks guys! Resampled_2012-07-16_13-20-12_72.jpgResampled_2012-07-16_13-20-18_280 (1).jpgResampled_2012-07-16_13-20-32_33.jpgResampled_2012-07-16_13-20-42_371.jpgResampled_2012-07-16_13-20-52_738.jpgResampled_2012-07-16_13-21-00_225.jpg 1)Sensi Start 2)Kali mist 3) Berry OG 4) Super sour OG 5) Bluecheese 6) Carmello


Well-Known Member
Right on dude! Im in alta loma pretty much. After harvest we should meet up and smoke some nugs. lol


Well-Known Member
I feel myself getting stressed out over the PM. Shit is bugging the fuck out of me. I just want it gone and have happy, healthy plants. Dont want to use poision


Well-Known Member
Would it be dumb if I mixed serenade, einstein oil, safer Caterpillar killer, and dish soap? End all organic remedy :)


Well-Known Member
Added some super plant tonic yesterday. Plants looked healthy today besides some def or something on the edges of some leaves. I might add some cal-mag soon. Resampled_2012-07-18_13-55-59_984.jpgResampled_2012-07-18_14-05-01_286.jpgResampled_2012-07-18_14-26-26_553.jpgResampled_2012-07-18_14-26-36_753 (1).jpgResampled_2012-07-18_14-26-49_113.jpgResampled_2012-07-18_14-26-58_905 (1).jpgResampled_2012-07-18_14-27-13_950.jpg 1) Berry OG 2) Super sour OG 3) Blue cheese 5) Carmello 5) Sensi


Well-Known Member
I was starting to wonder if it is nutrient burn, but I don't think it would just be popping up now. It is probably just sun burn.


Well-Known Member
To be completely honest, I have no idea. Im just letting it grow and seeing what happends. I cant make up my mind on if its mag. def or nute burn. Has anyone had nutrient burn in supersoil??


Well-Known Member
I feed the ladys today. Gave them 2 tea spoons of calmag, 1 tsp of humax, 1 tbl of mollasius, and 2 tbl of plant tonic. Hopefully that will break everything down and help with overal health. Spraying tomorrow, neem, seranade, amd dish soap.