Known Plants Used For Camo?


Well-Known Member
So i have a raised flowerbed in my yard with 3 sprouts. There's about 4 feet of empty dirt between them and what i need is another kind of plant that would make it less than obvious that theres 3 plants growin. I've heard of tomato plants n stuff but i'm looking to go a step further as far as camoflauge is concerned.

I've heard beans grow as a vine and also replenish the soil in which they grow with nitrogen. Is it a good idea for a vine to be growing all up in my sweet sweet candy bushes?

Anyway if i can't find a good solution i'll just uproot them and plant them out in a abandoned field somewhere. I've already scattered about 200 seeds in a field next to this golf course. I could care less if i harvest anything out of these, i simply take pleasure in knowing one of Gods finer creations will be :leaf:growing:leaf: naturally throughout as it rightfully should.
Id love an answer to this one as well. I'd like to put a few in a spot and I'm more worried about helicopters spotting tilled ground in a thicket than anything else. They fly around where I come from. Do they fly looking for the stuff in other states? I know that in Ky, Ohio, and WV they do. I would like to find something that will camouflage the soil between plants that wont rob the nutrients and water from the others. Any Ideas out there?