Kona Gold: The Blood. Rare Hawaiian strain

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This is the same guy that said his friend grew Puamana Maui wowie and maui mango diesel threw pollen on them and called it a day?
Give me a break. It does kind of make one think what all these haters are smokin.
Guess what alot of us have the internet now and some of us are actually from here not a poser trying to claim they know about things they dont.
Are you from hana?
I am.
Did you go to Josephs parties?
I did.
You did not.
Let's meet up. You can show me your amazing weed
Anyone can ask Puamana on social media.
I did before I went online flapping my gums like you.
Like I said they have social media and messenger and I have asked them about the strains.
checks out.
I know Maui cuz I am from here.
Where are you from disneyland?
So we're going to meet up? How about tomorrow. I'm serious, no bulai brah
@MauiFire you can show me your amazing Maui Wowie whenevahs. Tomorrow? Sunday? Monday? Tuesday? Certainly one of those days can work for you. Anytime too. I want to make it easy for you. I'll bring some weed too
Bring ya mouth
How about Twin Falls because that's about halfway and I don't really think you're going to show up. If I drive to Keanae for nothing you'll waste 2 hours of my day. At least if you don't show up at Twin Falls it'll only waste 1 hour of my day. Twin Falls is only a half hour drive for you and I will definitely show up if you say you're going to be there
How about Twin Falls because that's about halfway and I don't really think you're going to show up. If I drive to Keanae for nothing you'll waste 2 hours of my day. At least if you don't show up at Twin Falls it'll only waste 1 hour of my day. Twin Falls is only a half hour drive for you and I will definitely show up if you say you're going to be there
Let me know pretty soon. I go moemoe wikiwiki
And if any mods see this please don't close the thread down. There's still some misinformation that should be straightened out first.
You not gonna be able to call for you mods down KeAnae
This isnt a twin falls surrounded by tourists kind of meeting
You cant call out people you dont even know in person and expect your mods to save you.
No mods in KeAnae
What are you talking about? I didn't call any mods and on top of that I asked them not to shut the thread down. Reading comprehension is useful you know.

You're not going to show up, but illI drive to Keanae to show everyone how fake you are. Your word will mean nothing after tomorrow. You better show up. I'm just cocinc to see your amazing Maui Wowie, but if your in the mood to scrap thrn whatevahs.

I'll PM you. Seriously if you waste two hours of my day then this whole thread is BS. I don't want to get there and hear some lame excuse on why you didn't show up because the real reason will be that your posting from a desktop in Oregon.
If you were from here you would know you no can talk like this and no scrap
You disrespected me before you knew who I am.
Come KeAnae boy I teach you.
Phone number now to prove you not fake
It's not really a good idea to predetermine scrapping with someone, just FYI.
Where you come from with your mouth?
Not hawaii
Stop claiming hawaii
You not from here you no nothing but I teach you something tomorrow if you show up
Damn you talk a lot. I already PM'd you. Just answer the question already. If you don't show up it'll prove you're totally full of shit so you better show up. I'll take a picture tomorrow with a newspaper to prove I showed up
I told you in pm boy come now no more talk we here
After I asked you 4 times what time you want to meet up. I have a wife and kids. Sorry, but I can't just leave in the middle of the night to go kick some fake asses ass. You said tomorrow. What time tomorrow. I'm coming. You better not prove how fake you are
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