Kona Gold: The Blood. Rare Hawaiian strain

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You really don't know.

I feel sorry for you but not as sorry as I would feel for your eight keiki if they really did exist.

What part of Goodbye don't you get @ridadik?
You couldn't even get my real first name right. Maybe you accidentally did an imaginary background check on somebody else?
The post office gets a lot of rocks sent back so take that for what it's worth. I don't believe in luck persay, so I don't have an opinion on it, but a lot of rocks get sent back anyway, ha ha!
You don't know shit about our islands.

Hopefully you are transfered to a mainland prison.
Wait you used to grow Hawaiian and now you don't?

If you really grew Hawaiian you would keep it around.

Get it through your thick numb skull, I do not sell seeds or buds.

I told you what I do and what my cousins do.

You really should have listened @rideadick

You better get that plant count down to your legal number and throw away all the crack you have been smoking.

The ghost of Christmas future is coming to see what is under your tree and take you away to the North Pole.

You can ride that too @rideanorthpole
My plant count is legit. No worries there. SND No Crack For me either.

And the rest is blah, blah, blah.
Eight kids and this guy is literally on here 24 hours a day.

Look at the time stamps on your dumb posts?

All I know is this guy does not know shit about Hawaii or he would have shut up long ago and that he has some serious mental disorder.

Hopefully what ever mental malfunction you have does not pass to your eight keiki.

Are you laughing at the @rideanothpole joke too @ridadik?

It is so difficult to understand what your paranoid ass is saying.

Go to bed crackhead.
Where's your family at? I thought they'd be here by now? Where's those details from that imaginary background check? How about just my first name or where I was born? Easy stuff Kerry
You do know you have to have sex with a woman to make keiki @ridadick?

There is no way you have ever been with a woman.
All I know is this guy does not know shit about Hawaii or he would have shut up long ago and that he has some serious mental disorder.

Hopefully what ever mental malfunction you have does not pass to your eight keiki.

I'm not the one who has to make multiple accounts to try to get people to believe that my product is good Pua Mana
You think if someone sends an email to their cousin in law enforcement they wake up right away and go break down your door?

You will stop posting soon enough and we will all know why.
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