KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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ya my mortgage for my shack 3 bedroom house is 319 a month dude. thats how poor it is here. i hate it haha. my old house used to cost 2,400. 3 bedroom house with 3 bathrooms and 2 story. small yard cookie cutter house.


Active Member
Damn thats pretty expencive, probably a hella nice house though. I pay 450 a month for a 3 bed double wide and a acre and half here! Sucks bein in the boonies though.

Yeak kona I just found that so I figured what better but to post it to your thread!
Damn thats pretty expencive, probably a hella nice house though. I pay 450 a month for a 3 bed double wide and a acre and half here! Sucks bein in the boonies though.

Yeak kona I just found that so I figured what better but to post it to your thread!

nah wan't that nice. just the average house in the average suburban city in america. that shitty city is growing so much, when i was born 23 years ago there were more grape vines than houses. rancho cucamonga used to be a big winery area. cucamonga valley. joseph filipi winery is famous. still there. but now there are houses everywhere and a huge mall and shopping centers all over. i cold walk to wal mart, target, and EVERYTHING! 20 parks around. i wish i lived where no person lives. be isolated sometimes. hahaha.


Active Member
Yeah I mean it is nice, sometimes. I would love to be able to go shoppin at stores or check out grow stores or coops or anything along those lines. I mean Im so far out in the boonies that we have a walmart a hour away both directions, and wally world is the biggest store in that hour timeline! It sucks, Just been buyin everything offline recently. Not worth wasting the gas. But it is nice to I love that I dont hear subs and sirens all the time. Cause on the coast of washington that is all you hear.


Active Member
Oh you movin, that sucks. I mean it is awesome to move, but the packing.... I hate moving just because of the packing. But then again I love being in a new house. Well not new but new to me. Same with the cars. Lol I love them but they are nothing but money. Always gotta fix something and when you fix that something, something else goes out. I mean I save myself a good amount of money for fixin it myself it just sucks!


Well-Known Member
Oh you movin, that sucks. I mean it is awesome to move, but the packing.... I hate moving just because of the packing. But then again I love being in a new house. Well not new but new to me. Same with the cars. Lol I love them but they are nothing but money. Always gotta fix something and when you fix that something, something else goes out. I mean I save myself a good amount of money for fixin it myself it just sucks!
Nope trust me this is awesome ;) hehehehehe everything is awesome hehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!! All my dreams are coming true!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha dont have too much to move just yet!!!! will buy more for the new place hahahhaha!!!


Active Member
Yeah I know how that is im gonna be movin here within the next month or so, So im in the same boat as you. Kinda excited to not have roomates any more!


Active Member
Holy shit kona, I think you have the most popular thread on the forums, seeing as its at 300+ pages in around a month. Nice Work!
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