KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Wore out long shroom trip last night really wore me out....guess that means I'm getting old haha
But I'm giddy like a school girl right now thanks to ocalli.
Can't wait for some diff girls to lock in my closet with the rest so I can stare and drool over em hehe
Wore out long shroom trip last night really wore me out....guess that means I'm getting old haha
But I'm giddy like a school girl right now thanks to ocalli.
Can't wait for some diff girls to lock in my closet with the rest so I can stare and drool over em hehe

Hehehehee yay shroom sound good hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! I am loading some pics right now ;)
Hahahahahaha perfect for any liars and people stalking my page hehehehehe and for the fucker who took my light hehehehehe hahahaha! DON'T COME BCAK!!!
and loved my wake up call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thats not good. Stalking and someone stole ur light. Damn. Gotta watch who you let get close to you.

So you had a good wakeup call did you? I haven't had one of them in awhile.
048.jpg047.jpg046.jpg045.jpg044.jpg043.jpg042.jpg041.jpg040.jpg039.jpg038.jpg037.jpg036.jpg035.jpg034.jpg033.jpg032.jpg031.jpg030.jpg029.jpg028.jpg027.jpgHeheheheeehe update damn I need more fucking water to transplant oh well guess that means I just gotta take a break and smoke hahaahahhahaha!!!!!!

Thats not good. Stalking and someone stole ur light. Damn. Gotta watch who you let get close to you.

So you had a good wakeup call did you? I haven't had one of them in awhile.

ya it all goes back to spidar mite lol, um ya it was the best wake up call ever ;)

Damn kona looking good. Id like to think that update was just for me but I know it wasnt lol.

Wish I was able to grow as much as you. But I don't live in Cali :P U know what would make your garden look even better? A hott girl in a bikini in the garden : )
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