KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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sorry to hear that man i hope things turn around for ya i know how it can be been through some crazy shit the past few years focus on your passion it helps brighten things up in life when your down

yeah the passion I have for cannabis does brighten things a little. It was a very emotionally draining day. Last time I hurt like I did today was when I dog passed away in my lap. I don't mean pain hurt but emotional. I take the pain hurt over how I feel right now.

Anyways I gotta try to get some sleep. Take it easy and tell kona hello
Awwww thanks you all I am having a terrible time :( right now :( migraine tooth infection...the broken toe seems minor till wyou walk 4 miles to go the dr hahahahaha lucilty I have great friends and today I could have never walked heheh no matter what I thought I could have done and a great friend and angel came came took me to the er!!!!!
i just had deep pocket cleaning on all my teeth,and 8 injections of antibiotics into my gums lmao

yay costed like 500 with insurance.

didnt hurt,but the injections did put pressure on my gums leaving them sore for a few days.

hope you feel better kona
Awwww thank you too, I hope you feel better too Mak! I have a call in to see about just pulling this tooth once infection is down so I might just do that hahahahaha get it over with :)
What up girl?? Just about to flower again in afew more weeks. Just got my new 6" Radiant hydrofarm hood & new flowering bulb so i'm all set. Ust want to take some babies before I turn them to 12/12.
plz everybody move thi forwards to help mainyankee's cause !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by 0calli

Stoner Stoner
Join DateSep 2011LocationMaine (The Frozen Tundra of Planet Earth)Posts726Journal Entries32


Good Day Doggies

So sorry that I have been unable these past few days to post. I have been really busy with something that I would like to share with you ...

For the past month, a friend of mine (25 years younger than I) had his niece abducted from their home in the middle of the night. At first LEO's were stating that it was a missing child, and for the past two weeks, changed it to, possible foul play. The little girl's name is Ayla, and from Maine. My friend and I are tight, as he always turned to me for guidance when things where going south for him. When I learned of this happening a month ago, I put my hand out, and he grabbed it. I did not want him to be alone on Christmas, so my family invited him over, just so that he could get away from it all, at least for a few hours. We have remained tight throughout, but they have had very little to say, or help out, especially with the media.

Behind the scenes, but with his knowledge, I have been working with NBC and the Today Show. I, as well as many others across this State, Country and even Canada, are doing what we can do bring Ayla home, safe and sound. We have never, nor will we, give up hope that she be safely returned home to her Mom and Dad, even though they are not together any longer (prior to this event). Tonight, at 11:30 PM, despite my usual bedtime of 9:00 pm, I was interviewed by NBC and the Today show, for an update that will air in the morning at 7:30 EST. It was something that I needed to do, for I need to keep Ayla's name in the forefront of all media.

All day long, I reached out to my friend, and he never returned a call nor any of my countless texts. They were in essence, that now was the prime opportunity of placing a cry for help. I take it as they are scared to talk to the media, for they feel that every time they do, it gets twisted around. I repeatedly told him, as well as Ayla's father, that this was not the case, and that if they were uncomfortable to answer a specific question, all they had to say was that they did not want to answer it. Simple enough. They have not been asking for any coverage nationally, but stay local and only with newsprint. (Circulation appx 20,000). Here I am, not even affiliated other than a friend, and I just did an interview that will be reached out to over 8 Million viewers. I know if I was in their shoes, I think I would have grabbed hold and gone with it, despite any fear about myself, but to have my child returned home, safe and sound.

I think I may have lost a friend, whose friendship I cherished and loved. But it is not about a friendship to me. It is about finding a Lost and Missing Child. Period.

I thank you so very much for allowing me the opportunity to share, and also vent my frustration on this matter that has plagued me for over a month. If you wish, you may post here, or PM me. I love all my friends here on Doggie Nuts, for I feel at home, and a part of Community and Friendship with all that enter this great thread.

God Bless ~ And Let's Get Ayla Home

Damn, Even though the last 3 days have been some of the worse in my life I feel bad for making a fuss about it(although I have not said whats going on here, but made plenty of a fuss about it IRL). Of course what I have been going through is absolutely terrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I am sure it can't compare to loosing a child. I am not religious but do believe in a power greater then us. So I pray by asking that power to look over that little girl and make sure she is brought home safely.
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