KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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[video=youtube;1aEImx74gLA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aEImx74gLA&ob=av2e[/video] Yeah those are both good songs, man I used to bump jeezy with one of my buddies all the time. It has been quite a while since I listend to him though!


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yeeeah,too many great songs to post.




Well-Known Member
Yay decided to started flowering the AFG today and going to be transplanting the rest of my seeds and will take pics of the ones I did yesterday and going to top the MTF YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey anyone on here might know the answer to my question.

i only go through about 2 gallons of nutrient solution a week. can i mix a 5 gallon container of nutrients and store it in cool place for 2 weeks? or is it best to just mix it every time i need it. im using general hydro flora duo by the way.
k see i forget.i misplaced my keys right when i got home right after i unlocked the door. i still am looking for them. so its hard to remember thats why cuz i have a 5 gallon jug i would fill.
i know they go bad but if stored correctly?


Active Member
Jeez kona, all this transplanting I bet your gonna be happy when they are in their final homes! Sweet update, How big is the one that you put into flower?? Looks great.

Bonghittersanber: I have noticed that when I mix my nut solution and I let it sit for longer than a week or so that when I look into it, it has white little chunks in it. I keep it in a cool dark enviroment to, So I probably wouldnt recomend letting it sit out that long. I mean it wouldnt hurt to see if your water and nuts change after a little while, But I wouldnt recomend using it on your plants. I always dump it out after like 3 or 4 days.

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