KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Well-Known Member
Oooh i got a frosty purple nug and it's big enough for twothat means there's one thing left to dooooooh I pack this bowl for two And iiiiii I'm gonna wanna share it with you Ooh Kona I packed this bowl for two and I'm gonna share it with you ;)
Oh yeah I love it!!!! Thanks Kaptain I needed that hit hehehehe ;)


Well-Known Member
KONA KONA KONA.. been a while .... Check my old thread if your still subscribed.. that cross I made is AMAZING.. came out better then I could of ever hoped for.. now urs need to get bigger so I can come steal some cuts.. Hope all is well .. PEACE!!! If I dont catch you before this weekend .. Merry XMAS to you and ur daughter! Have some Jager for me :)Preview!Called her BLuesClues.. ( ChemdogxTrueblueberry)
Wow alotofball pretty pretty girls!! I love blues clues and I love that name Hehehehehe ;) Merry Christmas to you to, but you do really need to come see me haha and have a shot of jäger with me lol, these babies as getting bigger can't wait to move them from the t5 to the 1000!! And the 3 clones are looking much happier after their transplant lol can't wait to get some pics up for ya!!!!! Hehehehehe I tried to rep ya too but the damn thing is always talking back to me saying I have givin out too much hahahaha!!!!!!! I will get ya asap!!!


Well-Known Member
Awwwww wish you could be here to take some with me ;)
Well how about some body shots! lol j/k

So your seedlings are doing good huh? I should be planting my seedlings any day now. I really hope my 1 Afgan I had left germinates and become a female. It hasn't cracked yet thou.


Well-Known Member
Nice post kratose.. afgan is nice Afgani is fuckin crazy I smoked afgani kush x pakastani kush..nug is covereddd in white/gold trichomesNo green what so ever must of been 40 percent thc.Afpak kush it was calledAnyone else had this..?????..oh by the way I smoked all day everyday when I smoked that it was like a rush thru ur head n body suppppper heavy high was 5 hours n so strong n just amazing.
Now my intent in this post is to NOT start a argument but isn't Afgan and Afgani the same? I am pretty sure its the same bud. Just some people call it Afgan and some call it Afgani. Now I could be wrong......

And damn I just caught up with the thread. Why people got to be trolling.


Well-Known Member
By the way I have no idea what's wrong with my signature and why it takes ya back to my 1st thread hahahhahaa!!!!!?????
Back a year ago my sig did that too. For some reason it would take everyone to a old thread. I was never able to get it fixed. I ended up having to delete the sig all together. I hope you can straighten yours out.
What happened to your internet? Did you move?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Cuz they idiots lol, yea it's the same buddy. ;) affy afghan and afghani are all the same generally course there's different phenos depending what region you get it from and if it's been crossed with somethin like Afpak is afghani landrace x paki land race both indica and as the troll said a very decimatingky strong strain just not 35% thc lol rofl or 40 or whatever he said hahaha


Well-Known Member
Cuz they idiots lol, yea it's the same buddy. ;) affy afghan and afghani are all the same generally course there's different phenos depending what region you get it from and if it's been crossed with somethin like Afpak is afghani landrace x paki land race both indica and as the troll said a very decimatingky strong strain just not 35% thc lol rofl or 40 or whatever he said hahaha
That's what I thought. I know my strains pretty well but don't claim to know everything.

And 35% THC. Pssssh the only time you see that is in the phony claims of seedbank strains in magazines. I think the strongest I ever smoked was like 23 point something possibly 24. Anyone that say's they have a strain with 35% THC I say bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Heheehehehe I love you guys hahahhaahaa!!!!!! All my babies are happy today!!!!! So excited hehehehehehe can't wait to show you ;)


Well-Known Member
That's always good to hear. Hopefully soon I will be saying that same thing. Just wish I was able to have a harvest for Christmas. Oh well I will have to settle for sometime in February.


Well-Known Member
Hehehehe ya no harvest for Christmas here lol ;) but thankfully I have great friends and enough money to get me by hahahahaha!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hehehehe ya no harvest for Christmas here lol ;) but thankfully I have great friends and enough money to get me by hahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Same here. I actually have more money then expected this Christmas season. The past few months have been good to me.

So how about those body shots? :fire:


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha trying to upload pics, but guess fucking what this laptop my friend is letting me use does not hold a charge and is about to die before I can upload itunes :(
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