dude you're back my homie lol. some real fuckin hip hop you got posted there ^^^. i read about this dude reks in XXL. he is trying to bring real hip hop back. you guys should check these lyrics giving props to hip hop that shaped the game. stay up yall, i have to go shop for some new J"s today.
dam that dude REKS pretty good. im surprised i didnt hear about him before.i gotta check out that album he got. shit got 4 outta 5 stars on multiple sites.
nas is one of the top lyricists of all time, good ass post yeah. and dude big up to you for all these vids. especially the ransom one, not many people know of him. in that vid he is gutta as hell with his out of shape ass haha(looks like me without my shirt on).
fuck it guys, i read a review on longstanding hip hop legends krs-1 and marley marl's new cd. they said it was alright but i just smoked and this shit knocks .funny how they put krs on the backburner while the gimmicky shit gets the praise. for a while i was thinking hip hop was on its last legs but now i am realizing it just takes me hours longer to find any newer real hip hop these days. its people like yall dudes and me that are bringin true shit back. thanks for everyones posts and support through this thread.
First off, the Dirty Heads doin' their thing. This song was featured on the "Surfs Up" soundtrack and has got them a lot of airplay and publicity over the last year. I know them personally and I love their music. You can catch them at the "Rock the Bells" tour in San Francisco tomorrow. Worth looking into. It's a touch of reggae, punk, rock, and hip hop mixed in together.
all i can say is i listened to every track you guys posted and i was feeling every one. big left a hole in the game when he passed. i have been feeling ice cube for a long time and he is showing cats how to stay independent and get that paper. the last days freestyle was fire and i love the last days beat. the hov songs are timeless and i could always listen to them forever. and yeah that band was tight. i appreciate you guys letting me get a look at local talent which i might not get to hear without yall. r.i.p proof, those songs were straight from the soul.