Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints


kool keith fuckin rules

not the full song but the vids mental
You know guys... I tried to post a week or two back with some of the tracks I was feelin' at the time and after I posted my firefox crashed and destroyed the best post ever. So I was kinda discouraged for a minute, but heres some of the tracks im feelin' now. hopefully this post makes it to your screen.

YouTube - The Jacka - "Callin' My Name" ft. Mistah F.A.B. The Jacka ft. mistah fab - callin my name

YouTube - The Jacka - "Glamorous Lifestyle" ft. Andre Nickatina The Jacka ft. andre nickatina - Glamorous Life

YouTube - The Jacka ft J-Stalin - Our Heroes The Jacka ft. J-stalin and someone else - Our Heroes

YouTube - The Jacka - It was all a Dream The Jacka ft. ampichino - it was all a dream

YouTube - The Jacka Ft. Rydah J Klyde & Matt Blaque - Summer The Jacka ft. rydah j klyde - summer

Those are my favorites off that new cd, some good production and he actually puts down some good verses. good collabs too

how's everyone been doin?
whats up guys?? i have been gone a minute but i am back. i am getting back on my feet and i am now a daddy. had some complications with the birth and he was on a respirator for a while but after a week and a half in the icu he is home and coming back strong as an ox. i am so thankful...here is a joint in his honor...from the 1 and only B.I.G respect
WORD Koosh congratulations fella!

on the wutang baby theme here's one for you koosh the one the only big baby jesus!


WHaaaaaaa? A daddy?! Congrats Koosh! And lol to your default... I swear 2 days ago I took a pic of that dude and sent it to a friend cuz I thought it was so funny.

Hope all is well with your baby!

^^^^^^^ My dancin my ass off song.

My summer jam below


thanks big homie. woahhh you read my mind, odb was an insane genius. i have been thinking of postin this for days now. dirts verse on here is legendary. step up and get knocked right the fuck outtttt yeahhhh.
skinny jeans are for fags with no dick and balls. niggas need to put down the vocoder . for real :) so sick of that shit.
Aquemini and ATLiens,big boi and danny fatsacks
mos definitely some big hitters. aquemini had straight rotations on our smoke rides for a year.

WHaaaaaaa? A daddy?! Congrats Koosh! And lol to your default... I swear 2 days ago I took a pic of that dude and sent it to a friend cuz I thought it was so funny.

Hope all is well with your baby!

^^^^^^^ My dancin my ass off song.

My summer jam below

you know it jm and the baby is great, thank you for the congrats and i want to know what happened to sleep lol??? work all night....burp all day.....when is the time koosh get to play ..:mrgreen: all i need is some auto tune for that last part and its a hit.:hump::joint::joint: nice post on the gucci mannne.:peace: glad you stopped by cuz we need some beauty up this joint every once in a while.:mrgreen: got any vid of the dancin the ass off lmao...gotta go change a lime green relish lookin poopy diaper.:rolleyes:.

skinny jeans are for fags with no dick and balls. niggas need to put down the vocoder . for real :) so sick of that shit.
3j keeping it real hahaha. yeah the skinny jeans aint for me but im ole school. vocoder in every song anymore....:evil:


r.i.p. michael j. and j dilla. you'll be missed greatly:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
exactly i didnt realize how much great music mj has put out over the years. dope post dude.
eminem looked up to masta ace when coming up. here they are on the same track when em was hungry and spittin some of his most deadly flows (no we made you bullshit). straight fire..Hellbound!!!
bumpin one of my fav threads... aint been in here in alongass time...

much luv koosh!
been a minute dude. i was startin to wonder where u been? i just came back after a break from riu too:mrgreen: much luv and respect to you too my friend.:peace::joint: thanks for the bump and thanks to all of yall for the music....keep it coming. this vid here had me crackin up stoned for hours. two comedian dudes with a realistic hand farting thing out in public. literally had me lol a couple times.:grin::grin: the 2nd vid has the sickest fart ive ever heard. if some dude did that shit in front of me i would rofl.