Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints


Well-Known Member
awsome! mate?! have you heard of

public enemy

run DMC


also, heard of method man? hes recently new but hes good

but yeah i like old school stuff better than new stuff to be honest
Are you guys just now getting that stuff on the other side of the world? Haha. Even Method Man is like 10-15 years old. The rest of them dude's are like 25 years.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Neil Young and Johnny Cash...gotta love em'
yeah they are for when i am depressed lol.

Couple years ago i was in atlanta and a friend of mine had some of that blueberry and some grandaddy purp, and he claimed it came from luda or someone luda fucks wit. Either way i think he was full of shit, but that blueberry was for real... :joint:
yeah i bet luda smokes some killa. i love dudes that make all kinds of big claims but you know they are full of shit. maybe he wasnt bullshittin though, who knows.:mrgreen: