Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

this is one of my favorite joints of all time. when the mobb was grimey..from the sunset park soundtrack- back at you
well if you keep calling people dumb kiddies sooner or later someone's gonna call you something back !? which escalates into you being branded a troll and being removed. its taken you 50+ goes to realise! well done:clap:

arguing over the net is pointless man.
wow i came here to say something to that dude about real hip hop. low and behold his post is gone lol. honestly there is so much different hip hop throughout this thread that any head should be able to find something. lotta trolls on riu lately. keep it coming guys.
yeah man trolls all over the place of late. real heads in this thread tho koosh man.

so this is not technically what id call hip hop but the guy is a good rapper this is his more mainstream shit.


Don't really like berner, something about his voice just irritates me. Still a cool song, tho. You and me are not the same, unless u been broke and felt the pain, and the good times never came

[youtube]Q3r3MMvek8k[/youtube] I respect the shooter, not the nigga shot cryin'.
lmao @ these thread tags ;classics, club rats, fire, hip hop, hip pop, hood rats, joint, koosh, mall rats, music, posers, throwback, wannabe gangster !!!! ha ha !!!!!!
yeah man trolls all over the place of late. real heads in this thread tho koosh man.

so this is not technically what id call hip hop but the guy is a good rapper this is his more mainstream shit.

this shit was nice, its deffo unique.

merry xmas koosh keep them beats bumpin
thanks chron, it was a crazy christmas. here is some shit i ran across while smokin this morning. i havent got to listen to all the posts yet so i will get back to those later. peace everyone.:weed:

Don't really like berner, something about his voice just irritates me. Still a cool song, tho. You and me are not the same, unless u been broke and felt the pain, and the good times never came

[youtube]Q3r3MMvek8k[/youtube] I respect the shooter, not the nigga shot cryin'.
good shit, yeah with that west west stuff. thanks for posting dude.
some funky shit from jurrasic 5. the concrete legendary schoolyard!! from mall rat gangsta wannabe poser koosh haha. happy new year all! a few xannies got me ready for bed. damn i cant remember the last time i spent new years at home. im getting old :]
i found this song and it took me way back. i was making big money, young without a care in the world and a fat ganja sack at all times. no worries and top of the world. man that was a long time ago and how things change lol.
well well looky here its a brand new year! all i hear is bullshit tho kid cudi'nt rap for toffee some tosser called chipmonk bah new school is fucked. grime is fucked theyve started spittin over house music for fucks sake.

kicking it old

nice gritty shit. isnt t rock that dude that had the 3-6 diss song called the lil arm lol?

well well looky here its a brand new year! all i hear is bullshit tho kid cudi'nt rap for toffee some tosser called chipmonk bah new school is fucked. grime is fucked theyve started spittin over house music for fucks sake.

kicking it old

hahaha don i feel you. before cudi blew up i was feelin that day and nite song though lol. i am tired of hearing weak ass drake though lmao, i hate that dude. sadly i look mostly to past to hear shit i think is dope. every once in a while i hear some new shit thats nice. this vid u posted is the shit. most of what i hear from cunnlynguists(sp?) i like.

what up koosh. this takes me back to 9th grade...
that is definitely funky enough haha. u must be around the same age as me. i remember when this came out and where i lived u wasnt shit unless u had a raiders or kings starter jacket. nwa had that gangsta shit on lock. they say doc helped shape dre to what he became. too bad that accident fucked his vocal cords up or he would have been one of the greatest even today. good ass post doc.