Kottonmouths Chernobyl Single Cola's Grow


New Member
hows the weather been over in cali we just got hit by another damn snowstorm over here in the eastern states im fucking sick of it cant wait for some warm weather


Well-Known Member
Yah this weather sucks. I love New England but the weather blows. Id love to move out to cali but its expensive. looking like Florida in a year or two haha.


Well-Known Member
Yea i love outdoor growing less work and you yield alot more for your time most of the time the but the buds don't appear as "good" as indoor buds

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
True.but i grow for personal ONlY-so bag appeal dont mean shyt to me. I love outdoor,except for mold,worms. 2 things i dont havta deal with indoh!