Well-Known Member
hey kmk, the pic of last cola looks great. need a hand smokin it. lol. im headed over to ur new journal. later bro.
thanx hammer! im making some keif rt.now.its so boring tho. ill post a pic i got a nice pile in short amount of time!
how many cans u use thru how much weed? i use 2 cans thru roughly an oz.ive still got some from last month.my newest idea is bbl bags.
heres some.this took 10-15 min to get.ive got hrs worth to do.lil gren ,i pushed to much.
u are right on track with me bro! was just comin over to report that! it tastes good!its real crisp&expands! resulting in farting while coughing! but all in all,i think i got a lil too much green.rubbed alil too hard.i wont complain tho.im gonna do it for an hr and quit till tomorrow.id like to press a lil brick or hockey pucks worth.ITS BORING THO!!
the way this stuff is keifing i might have enuff for close to a brick!lol my back gets tired of standing in one spot.gota use a desk or somethin.
idk why i cant anymore.at first it was so cool ,now,mmmm...not so much.im the only one doing anything with it it seems.thats why i just wanna make a brick or someting.
u are right on track with me bro! was just comin over to report that! it tastes good!its real crisp&expands! resulting in farting while coughing! but all in all,i think i got a lil too much green.rubbed alil too hard.i wont complain tho.im gonna do it for an hr and quit till tomorrow.id like to press a lil brick or hockey pucks worth.ITS BORING THO!!