KP and FDD go head to head


Well-Known Member
i only have 2 so far. you have a good chance if all yours pop. i'm basically just starting. first to 4 correct?


New Member
2 beans in the blanket.

i planted 2 and started 2 more.

want to know KP's first mistake? she hired a dog for security. everyone knows you are supposed to hire the cat.

now you know who actually does the growing. kp is going to get beat by a cat...


New Member
what i thought when i saw the first pic... would be funny if a fly flew near the plants and she went after it... lolz... makes me miss my pussy tho


New Member
you're a girl? and if so you should of just left the damn apple alone. you cant escape that being your fault. lolz i r teh funny


Well-Known Member
People take note on how straight that mylar is hanging. Straight and clean to reflect the light properly. I've seen way to many pics with mylar in the background all crumpled up.
I HATE hanging mylar!!! i can never seem to get it nice and straight, by the end im usually thinking "screw it! crumpled is better than none at all..."

I love my kitty but she isn't allowed in the same room as plants, she nibbles the leaves and likes to bite the heads off young sprounts for no reason. damn her!!!


Well-Known Member
Ive got a cat..

he used to nibble at the leaves til he got his ass tossed against the wall a couple of times...

Now he just chills under the 1000w hps.... its warm


Well-Known Member
I heard that. my fucking cat ate all three of my first plants when they were like 2 inches. bastard. I made the mistake of letting him back in while i was watering my second lot and he took a shit in one of the pots, so he's banned for life. Now he sits all day meowing at the grow room door wanting some one to let his ass in.