now you know who actually does the growing. kp is going to get beat by a cat...2 beans in the blanket.
i planted 2 and started 2 more.
want to know KP's first mistake? she hired a dog for security. everyone knows you are supposed to hire the cat.
what i thought when i saw the first pic... would be funny if a fly flew near the plants and she went after it... lolz... makes me miss my pussy tho
Well go out and get yourself some!makes me miss my pussy tho
still, who else can we blame when things go wrong?that kind always wants you to buy it stuff then gets mad at you when you do nothing wrong.
I HATE hanging mylar!!! i can never seem to get it nice and straight, by the end im usually thinking "screw it! crumpled is better than none at all..."People take note on how straight that mylar is hanging. Straight and clean to reflect the light properly. I've seen way to many pics with mylar in the background all crumpled up.