Well-Known Member
Wut'd KP do? Seems like theirs alot of nasty comments towards her...
my cat just ate mine.
oh fook me with a picth fork mate...
i just went back and read the entire thread.. I actually did not see anything nasty that warrented me writing what i did in the above post... I could erase it.. cause you know I am an all mighty mod... but it is good to show you dueche bags that I am aslo... an ass clown that fooks up on a regular bases.. LOL
KP... babe , I love you.. but....I got 20 bucks that says you are premenstral?
now i've really done it!![]()
No one actually made fun at kp, it was all just a laugh and boy did I laugh.DUDE.. i just red this thread.. well not al of it.. BUT some of the KAK squad gotz to lay off of KP.. she has a shite load of posts.. spends a lot of time here.. a lot of people.. like her.. (i love her) and ther needs to be some moderation with the tag teaming on such a MAJOR contributor to the site..
can we chill and only have one person attacking her at a time? or maybe just a kiss and a hand job and we all make up..
SHE contributed a cloning thread... that's it.... would you biotch slap your wife if she made pancakes in the morning? ya feelz me?
PLUS... you goof balls... she is.. she is.... ready for this...
she is the only LADY on the site...
well.. maybe one of 3 ...
this place is a sasauge fest.. lets just chill a bit...
Now I'm not Irish, but it still narks me somewhat that you think the potato is Irelands national plant. The only thing the potato has to do with Ireland is when they were so heavily taxed by the English they enetered into what is known today as the Potato Famine. They ate lots and lots of potatoes.the only thing nasty,was dog useing the national plant of ireland as a rooting medium,but then he admitted to haveing some irish blood so it was not an insult,every one here im sure has respect for KP,i just wish she bought her material from the hydro stores and not the flea markets,and i do worry when she messes with electricity,but thats out of love.
did they grow shamrock clones in a spud,i bet they didnt.Now I'm not Irish, but it still narks me somewhat that you think the potato is Irelands national plant. The only thing the potato has to do with Ireland is when they were so heavily taxed by the English they enetered into what is known today as the Potato Famine. They ate lots and lots of potatoes.
I'm sure the national plant of Ireland is the shamrock.
I doubt it.did they grow shamrock clones in a spud,i bet they didnt.
people treat their plants with kids gloves,i went to see my two outdoor plants the other day,they have been pelted with freezing rain and strong winds,i thought for sure that after a week of this they would be dead,but no, when i asked how they were doing,they said great,they were more worried about me and my health in this miserable weather,they may be tough,but they are also thoughtful.i might add all the vegatation around them have packed it in,but these guys are holding out to become great smoke,they have alot of pride to go with their courage and sheer will to survive.I doubt it.
OK it's a looooong shot, but it seems reasonable to me that a branch, given the right conditions after falling onto the ground, could take root and grip into the earth. This is no bullshit when I say that my MK cuttings showed first sign of root in 3 days. 72 hours is not long for a clone to survive, manage to draw enough energy to grow root, and WHAM, there you have it.
Cannabis is a very hardy plant, hardier than most. it's sheer will to survive indicates to me that a fallen branch taking root on its own is a... possibility.
i thought it was a fine tutorial. but what do i know.more a matter of sense. ngt's cloning thread is fine, and goes into more detail. plus, he's here to hold a n00b's hand, and i'm working two jobs almost everyday.
so, this thread is not needed, and probably won't help anyone (esp if they read the thread and not just the first post). i'd delete it myself if i could, but alas...
fdd, you're making this shit up!?!? is that photoshop? do you live somewhere around the tigris and euphrates river?
ngt is saying there's not enough instructions in kp's thread and fdd says to throw your clone in kitty litter.
dang it all! dang it to heck!![]()