Kratom? Is it any good??Very curious


Well-Known Member
Kratom Power is Legal, and from tons of reviews and stuff i guess it's actually intoxicating.. Its kind of like opium/pain killers when smoke'd or put in a liquid and drank..

Anybody every try' KRATOM??

I know that Cannabis is better so plz dont say just buy a bag, cuz i got plent of weed.Im just curious about KRatom....


Active Member
I personally love kratom, and use it daily. specioa specialists have good stuff.
If you are looking for a chill buzz the Bali or enhanced Bali is the way to go.

good kratom really works, thats why the gov. is pushing to make it illegal.


Well-Known Member
Okay, Thanks Altered.
Can you tell me a website that i can get the QUALITY kratom at...

or anyone else????

Very anxious to order some today...

And what's the definition of a "Chill Buzz" ? like similar to cannabis buzz??

I just want to feel relaxed and enjoy life! lmao....

so what should i buy??


Well-Known Member
Kratom Power is Legal, and from tons of reviews and stuff i guess it's actually intoxicating.. Its kind of like opium/pain killers when smoke'd or put in a liquid and drank..

Anybody every try' KRATOM??

I know that Cannabis is better so plz dont say just buy a bag, cuz i got plent of weed.Im just curious about KRatom....

I always put mine in capsules the taste is awful. I would compare it to codiene at higher doses. At low doses it has an energizing effect, i used to take two or three caps every four hours when i was working 15 hr days. Don't smoke it it's a waste and always take on an empty stomach. A little experimentation is in order due to the fact that the alkaloids affect people differently, start at a low dose. there's different grades too

de veined
resn pies
de veined
papua new gueinea
maeng da
lyopphilized extract

hope this helps:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OK, so i noticed that BAIL kratom is the cheapest..

I can get like 50 grams ...for 20.00
OR.. 250grams for 77.00 and its BAIL kratom..

what are the dosage? because ive read that the dosage's very, and some people have to consume up to 25 grams per time they want to get an effect off it..

if thats true..than this stuff is EXPENSIVE....!
i was hoping the dosage would be like 6grams....not 25...

so does anybody know the legit dosage to feel good effects??


Well-Known Member
no i dont but i would shure like to know where i could get some so please post a link


Well-Known Member
I sell the bali for 33.95 per 100 gr. I would advertise here but i think it's against the rules so i was just letting you know for price comparison. It depends what kind of good effect your looking for energetic/narcotic. I would start with 3-4gr of the bali thats 3 caps for me. That is assuming you have quality kratom


Well-Known Member
How do i know when i buy kratom offline its quality kratom? ?

i noticed u can buy kratom very CHEAP off ebay...
but i want to know how u know the shit ur buying is good quality kratom,not bullshit that looks like kratom... or what not.....???


Well-Known Member
Basicly trial and error. Try a supplier test it out if it's good stick with them. I sell on ebay sometimes and I know mines good so there must be other quality kratom on ebay.


Well-Known Member
Can i just grow my own Kratom plant???

Or is it very difficult to grow?

and how long would it take to start getting a decent amount of leaves?

and could i grow kratom under a indoor grow light just like as if i was growing cannabis..??


Well-Known Member
yeah becuz i would much rather grow something LEGAL than something illegal.

I cant do the time so im not gunna do a crime.

So Kratom would be the way to go i believe...

I want to keep this post going, so ANYBODY that has any INFO on Kratom..
Please post it here .
General info,Growing Info, Anything...



Well-Known Member
Kratom is a great plant. Growing it would surely be interesting, but complicated as the only possibility is to obtain clones (seeds are not shipped, supposedly due to their short viability). Additionally the climate has to be right in order for it to grow at all. The dosages range from person to person and are dependent on the product you use. I personally use maeng da kratom, which is more potent than the usual varieties allowing me to use only 3-5 grams in order to attain the full effects. The kratom "high" feels opiate-like, resembling tramadol the most.


Well-Known Member
oh fuck kratom, i remember just sitting on my couch trying to breathe thinking this is more of a rat poison then a drug, i think i had a bit too much though. Its feels like really really weak heroin (euphoria) but the downfalls of it are much more pronounced. heavy sedation effect and respritory effects, i hate it mostly cuz it was so hard to breathe. dont fall asleep on it lol... but seriously dont